1.0.0 (2021-08-18)
📦 Atualizações
- deps: bump flake8 from 3.9.0 to 3.9.2 (d711084)
- deps: bump isort from 5.8.0 to 5.9.3 (b6de511)
- deps: bump mypy from 0.812 to 0.910 (c036d02)
- deps: bump pylint from 2.7.2 to 2.9.6 (871e898)
- deps: update dependency arrow to v1.1.1 (d103814)
- deps: update dependency asciimatics to v1.13.0 (45f1d26)
- deps: update dependency coloredlogs to v15.0.1 (c421399)
- deps: update dependency python-json-logger to v2.0.2 (9df1858)
- deps: update dependency rich to v10.7.0 (b9895f3)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release to v17.4.5 (2bfb914)
- deps: update precommit hook pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks to v4 (526c0b3)
📝 Documentação
- add badges (490524c)
- add description (a48c37b)
- add descripton choco package (11b7a42)
- add more links (8736c44)
- add new descript about g-earth and g-python (0e2ddaa)
- add new link (909350b)
- change description (8103a27)
- change description (1c86b21)
- change gifs (9c33f41)
- change images alig to left (3de03ef)
- change images sizes to 650 (270a8de)
- change title url (239db66)
- finally change images to left align (0b4a715)
- habbo desktop links (5e18742)
- more info (058e9f0)
- new sonar badges (da2da48)
- pre req gearth (c044cfc)
- pre req npm and make (0f5a37b)
- pretty readme (7550e01)
- remove default content readme choco (5a1adf5)
- result install and uninstall icons (9b200f8)
🐛 Correções
- authors, title and others definitions of nuspec (6b4340b)
- comments workflows ci (5e601a3)
- folder name choco package and scripts (8226249)
- g-python extension settings (9751205)
- log messages (ec809f9)
- makefile github token var (13942b5)
- remove choco folder (66f6010)
- remove file and quotes (9852f3a)
- remove folder (d770277)
- remove todo.txt (9b52793)
- rename folder chocolatey (9565904)
- setup sonar (b1fd907)
- update url to https (a29be99)
- url project definition nuspec (2b1d406)
✨ Novidades
- add anti afk class (245e05d)
- add auto sign (fceb6e1)
- add auto sit (9cf5a51)
- add choco habbo (bb7bcd1)
- add choco script (779fd25)
- add ci workflow (85f0636)
- add dockerfile (3e3ba4c)
- add gex date class and fix commands (aaa88fd)
- add github templates (5605a40)
- add hooks (2c707b8)
- add license choco (1ee57f6)
- add makefile (86644fd)
- add new tag (098f074)
- add npm package ecosystem dependabot (3a16e2d)
- add package dependencies and script release (0c6cebc)
- add package json lock (3d63f20)
- add sonar (0a7020a)
- add twiner requirements test (bfa2b7b)
- add version (c962788)
- config files, contributing and gitleaks (5c184e6)
- initial commit (0a4ff41)
- setup gex project organization (e39b064)
- setup organization awake command, add dependabot file and others (4134a21)
- setup wsl (41ce5b0)