is an in-house financial toolkit for portfolio management and trend-based analysis of securities. NOTE: For now it is only a loosely organized collection. Later on it will be made into a real package.
finance_utility requires:
- python(>=3.8)
- numpy(>=1.12.0)
- matplotlib(>=3.5.0)
- pandas(>=1.4.0)
- mplfinance
- pandas_market_calendars
Refer to scripts in portfolio_manage
to assist in decisions related to general portfolio management.
Refer to scripts in security_analyze
to assist in more aggressive bond and stock "investment", or rather, speculation.
WARNING: although the principles are generally suitable for all well-governed markets, the tools are tuned toward the security markets in China. If you plan to invest your hard-earned money in the USA/Japan/UK/Canada/South Korea markets in 2024+ or are stuck with them, then you must have too much money to play with, so I can only wish you good luck, I mean it seriously, you know what I mean.