Random Walks for Recommender Systems
- Get the Movie-Lens 20M dataset from https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/
- Put the dataset inside a "data" folder so you should be able to access data/ml-20m/ratings.csv
- Run rw_pre_process_ratings.py, this will read the ratings and build some .json data structures that are used by the recommender.
- Run the Recommender
You can run a recommender for a specific user using:
python.py rw_reco_by_user.py USERID NUM_ITEMS BETA WALKS
- USERID: Is the ID of the User to recommend (for example 8614)
- NUM_ITEMS: Is the number of items to recommend
- BETA: A parameter that regulates re-starts in the graph (try values from 0.2 to 0.85)
- WALKS: Number of random walks to run (from 1000 to 10000 should be ok try different values)
Note: The recommender takes some time loading the graph.
You can run a recommender demo using:
python.py rw_reco_by_user.py NUM_USERS NUM_ITEMS BETA WALKS
This will run the recommender for a given random number of NUM_USERS