Code to reproduce Angenent-Mari, N. et al 2019. Deep Learning for RNA Synthetic Biology
Data is loaded from a Toehold Sensor Database (data/2019-03-30_toehold_dataset_proc_with_params.csv) which is comma delimited table having the following columns of DNA encoded sub-sequences: organism, sequence_class, sequence_id, pre_seq promoter, trigger, loop1, switch, loop2, stem1, atg, stem2m linkerm post_linker, output
DS) Toehold Nucleotide Sequence
*NOTE: Base toehold string sequence [0-144]
GGG - Trigger - Loop1 - Switch - Loop2 - Stem1 - AUG - Stem2 - Linker - Post-linker
[-3,-1] [0,-29] [30-49] [50-79] [80-90] [91,96] [97,99] [100,108] [109,134] [135,144]
For training we select our input sequence vector start with GGG and concatenate everything from "Loop1" to "post-linker"... which is seq_SwitchOFF_GFP = ggg + seq[30:145].
Also, pre_seq & promoter sub-sequences are NEVER used because they are not converted into mRNA (is in the plasmid but > * it is never in the functional toehold module), so it won't contribute in secondary structure at all. For this example > * in particular we use DS_1.*
OUT) ON, Off &/OR ON-OFF State values derived from the experimental testing of toehold switch RNA sequence
To investigate if a deep learning network can be used to predict toehold switch ON/OFF functionality, because in that case it would suggest the network is learning secondary structure prediction that would be transferable to other RNA based problems.
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