Work in progress
The easy way to expose a module for CLI usage
npm install --save @ls-age/expose
import Expose, { Command, NumberOption } from '@ls-age/expose';
import { version, description } from '../package.json';
const cli = new Expose({ description });
const testCommand = new Command({
name: 'test',
description: 'Just for testing',
alias: 'try',
run({ options }) {
console.log('Running test command with options', options);
testCommand.addOption(new NumberOption({
name: 'log-level',
description: 'Set log level',
alias: 'l',
async set(level) {
console.log('Setting log level to', level);
// Setting the log level takes some time, so we use an async function
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
console.log('Log level was set');