Releases: lselden/scp-to-epub
v1.5.6 - Feb 2025 executable updates
Looking for the epubs? They're on this page
This build includes some bugfixes since last release.
Also includes cover image generation improvements and bugfixes by @Thiago-Morais
2024 All Series + Groups of Interest + SCP Int
All Series
Included are all series 1 - 9 (the latest as of 2024), as well as some other collections.
- SCP_001_Proposals.epub
- SCP_Series_1_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_1_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_2_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_2_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_3_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_3_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_4_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_4_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_5_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_5_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_6_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_6_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_7_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_7_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_8_v01.epub
- SCP_Series_8_v02.epub
- SCP_Series_9_v01.epub
- top-by-year-2022.epub
- top-by-year-2023.epub
- top-by-year-2024.epub
- Christmas_Tales.epub
- scp-682.epub
- International Branches Hub.epub
- Various Lists and Logs
- SCP Classic Wiki
Groups of Interest
- alexylva-university-hub
- ambrose-restaurant-hub
- anderson-robotics-hub
- arcadia-hub
- are-we-cool-yet-hub
- black-queen-hub
- chaos-insurgency-hub
- chicago-spirit
- church-of-the-broken-god-hub
- cotsk-hub
- daevite-hub
- deer-college-hub
- dr-wondertainment-hub
- factory-hub
- fifthist-hub
- gamers-against-weed-hub
- Global Occult Coalition
- goldbaker-reinz-hub
- greazeburger-incorporated-hub
- gru-p-hub
- herman-fuller-hub
- horizon-initiative-hub
- hub-madao
- ijamea-hub
- just-girly-things-hub
- manna-charitable-foundation-hub
- marshall-carter-and-dark-hub
- nobody-hub
- oneiroi
- oria-hub
- Parawatch
- prometheus-labs-hub
- pseudogenesis-productions-hub
- sarkicism-hub
- second-hytoth-hub
- serpent-s-hand-hub
- spc-hub
- three-moons-initiative-hub
- totleighsoft-hub
- Unusual Incidents Unit
- unusual-cargo-hub
- valravn-corporation-hub
- vikander-kneed-technical-media-hub
- wandsmen-hub
- wilson-s-wildlife-solutions-hub
SCP International
- scp-int-hub.epub
- scp-int-zh-hub.epub
- scp-int-cs-hub.epub
- scp-int-pt-hub.epub
- scp-int-ua-hub.epub
- scp-int-it-hub.epub
- scp-int-fr-hub.epub
- scp-int-de-hub.epub
- scp-int-jp-hub.epub
- scp-int-th-hub.epub
- scp-int-es-hub.epub
- scp-int-pl-hub.epub
- scp-int-cn-hub.epub
- [scp-int-ko-hub.epub](
v1.5 - Compiled executable version
##Update 2024 - Executable Version
I dusted off this project and I'm surprised it still works! I added a packaged binary version of the tool (Windows only, I don't have a mac handy) that you can use without having to install node etc. Check the README for info.
Full Changelog: v1-canons...v15-allseries
SCP Canons
Every SCP Canon Hub (as of March 2020) as an ebook.
Edit Dec 2020: The following canons and hubs were updated/added as part of the 2020 Canon Renaissance Contest:
SCP ebooks
epub links below are to various collections of SCP Wiki articles. There's between 10-100 articles in each book,
has been updated July 2020scp-5000-why
is the winner of the scp-5000 contestscp-5000-contest
is a dump of the 5000 contest (Mystery) articles, as of 01/31/2020.shaggys-selects-comedy
are from the User Curated Lists pagesite-13
is SCP-1730 and related MTF pagesscp-blackwood_vs_pesterbot
includes tales relating to Lord Blackwood and Pesterbotscp-ouroboros
is djkaktus's 001 proposal
...and the rest are canon hubs
Unless otherwise stated, all content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License and by authors of the SCP Wiki
For more information on how these collections were generated check the readme