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The Asterisk REST Interface (ARI) bindings for Java.



ARI is an interface available on Asterisk 12/13/14/15 that lets you write applications that run externally and control call flow through REST calls while receiving events on a websocket.

In order to support different versions of the API, what we do is we maintain concrete implementations for each version of the API, but we also have general interfaces that are used to work with objects across different versions.

Getting started?

Tip: join our ari4java Google+ group for news, help and plain bouncing of ideas around.

Using the library

If you use Gradle (or any tool using Maven dependencies) you can simply declare the lib as:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'ch.loway.oss.ari4java:ari4java:0.4.5'

This will download the package and all required dependencies.


The code here is partially hand-written and partially generated out of Swagger definitions.

  • "classes/" contains Java code to be released (manually and automatically generated). All automatically generated classes are under "ch.loway.oss.ari4vaja.generated". They should not be hand-edited.
  • "tests/" contains test cases for "classes/"
  • "codegen/" contains the Java code that creates auto-generated classes.
  • "codegen-data/" contains Swagger models from different versions of the interface (copied from Asterisk).

Creating Java code out of Swagger definitions

In order to run codegen (class, you need the following libraries:

  • jackson-core-2.2.2
  • jackson-databind-2.2.2
  • jackson-annotations-2.2.2

Testing and packaging

The easiest way to build is simply using the Gradle script supplied.

	gradle clean build

This will compile, test and package the current version. It will not run the code generator (for the moment at least). You'll find the resulting jar file under 'build/libs'.


The project requires:

  • jackson-core-2.2.2
  • jackson-databind-2.2.2
  • jackson-annotations-2.2.2
  • netty-all-4.0.25-Final


  • 17.12.19 - Added support for ARI 3.0.0 (#78)
  • 17.02.04 - Added support for ARI 2.0.0 (#62) and quicker deserialization (#63)
  • 16.11.30 - Fixes on Graham's AutoReconnect patch - #60 - rel 0.4.3
  • 16.10.21 - Fixing #55 and #57 - rel 0.4.2
  • 16.10.17 - Graham's AutoReconnect patch #52 - rel 0.4.1
  • 16.08.31 - Added support for ARI 1.10.0 (Asterisk 14) and some bug fixes - release 0.4.0
  • 16.01.30 - Added support for ARI 1.9.0 - release 0.3.4
  • 15.09.23 - Fixed issue with 201 statuses (bug #33) - release 0.3.3
  • 15.09.19 - Added support for ARI 1.8.0 (bug #32) - release 0.3.2
  • 15.03.20 - Disconnected ARI WS now throws an exception - se bug #28 - release 0.3.1
  • 15.03.11 - Added support for ARI 1.7.0 (bug #28) - release 0.3.0
  • 15.01.17 - Added support for ARI 1.6.0 (bug #24) - release 0.2.3 - compiles with Netty 4.0.25
  • 14.11.01 - Added support for ARI 1.5 (bug #9)
  • 14.10.30 - Added ARI bindings for 1.5.0 as coming from the official Asterisk 13.0.0 release
  • 14.01.01 - Added a minimal application under tests/ class ch.loway.oss.ari4java.sandbox.sample to be used as a style laboratory. Look for UGLY tags. Rel 0.1.2.
  • 13.12.30 - Added AriBuilder interfaces
  • 13.12.29 - Imported the definitions for Asterisk 12.0.0 - ARI 1.0.0 - a bit of code changes in the code generator - Added the Gradle build script.
  • 13.11.26 - based HTTP and WebSocket implementation, factory, sync and async methods
  • 13.10.21 - All objects are deserializable right out of JSON. Mesages can be deserialized automatically.
  • 13.10.18 - Auto-generates all classes and compiles them.


To use the HTTP+WS implementation, include netty-all-4.0.12.Final.jar or newer in your classpath.

To initialize:

	ARI ari = new ARI();
	NettyHttpClient hc = new NettyHttpClient();
	hc.initialize("http://my-pbx-ip:8088/", "admin", "admin");

or make your life easier by using the convenience method supplied in AriFactory.

Sample synchronous call:

	ActionApplications ac = ari.getActionImpl(ActionApplications.class);
	List<? extends Application> alist = ac.list();

Sample asynchronous call:

	ActionAsterisk aa = ari.getActionImpl(ActionAsterisk.class);
	aa.getGlobalVar("AMPMGRPASS", new AriCallback<Variable>() {
		public void onSuccess(Variable result) {
			// Let's do something with the returned value
		public void onFailure(RestException e) {

Sample WebSocket connection, waiting for events on hello and goodbye apps:

	ActionEvents ae = ari.getActionImpl(ActionEvents.class);
	ae.eventWebsocket("hello,goodbye", new AriCallback<Message>() {
		public void onSuccess(Message result) {
			// Let's do something with the event
		public void onFailure(RestException e) {
	Thread.sleep(5000); // Wait 5 seconds for events
	ari.closeAction(ae); // Now close the websocket

The Message object in the code above will be one of the message subtypes, you will have to introspect to find out which.

To be done

Useful links

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The library is released under the GNU LGPL (see LICENSE file). Files under codegen-data come from the Asterisk project and are licensed under the GPLv2 (see LICENSE.asterisk file therein). They are only used to build the classes and are not distribuited in any form with Ari4Java.


Asterisk ARI interface bindings for Java







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