A full stack home lab in MEARN with authentication
This lab is for learning purpose only, a lot of practices make it not ready for production.
Only dev environment is available for now.
This is a home lab, and except the time constraints, I can make and live with my own choices and constraints:
- ES6 + syntax, except for Classes
- No use of ES6 classes, including for React.
- Use async/await whenever it is possible.
- No frameworks.
- Few libraries as possible (that's why I use fetch API and not Axios).
- docker
- docker-compose
Go to docker/env folder and, change the user/password in the docker-env.yaml and:
docker-compose up
- node
cd backend; npm install
cp dotenv-sample .env; vi .env
npm run dev
It uses nodemon to monitor changes
cd postslab-frontend; npm install; npm start