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Usage: 2) Sign PDF File

Lucas Nepomuceno edited this page Sep 2, 2021 · 5 revisions

1 - Sign PDF with certificate from file or upload.


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use LSNepomuceno\LaravelA1PdfSign\{ManageCert, SignaturePdf};

class ExampleController() {
    public function dummyFunction(Request $request){
        // FROM FILE
        try {
            $cert = new ManageCert;
            $cert->fromPfx('path/to/certificate.pfx', 'password');
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary
        // FROM UPLOAD
        try {
            $cert = new ManageCert;
            $cert->fromUpload($request->pfxUploadedFile, $request->password);
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary
        // Returning signed resource string
        try {
            $pdf = new SignaturePdf('path/to/pdf/file.pdf', $cert, SignaturePdf::MODE_RESOURCE) // Resource mode is default
            $resource = $pdf->signature();
            // TODO necessary
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary

        // It is possible to pass a file directly through the upload
        try {
            $pdf = new SignaturePdf($request->file('PDFfile'), $cert, SignaturePdf::MODE_RESOURCE) // Resource mode is default
            $resource = $pdf->signature();
            // TODO necessary
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary
        // Downloading signed file
        try {
            $pdf = new SignaturePdf('path/to/pdf/file.pdf', $cert, SignaturePdf::MODE_DOWNLOAD)
            return $pdf->signature(); // The file will be downloaded
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary

2 - Sign PDF with certificate from database (model based).


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Certificate;
use LSNepomuceno\LaravelA1PdfSign\{ManageCert, SignaturePdf};

class ExampleController() {
    public function dummyFunction(Request $request){
        // Find certificate
        $cert = Certificate::find(1);
        // Returning signed resource string
        try {
            $pdf = new SignaturePdf('path/to/pdf/file.pdf', $cert->parse(), SignaturePdf::MODE_RESOURCE) // Resource mode is default
            $resource = $pdf->signature();
            // TODO necessary
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary
        // Downloading signed file
        try {
            $pdf = new SignaturePdf('path/to/pdf/file.pdf', $cert->parse(), SignaturePdf::MODE_DOWNLOAD)
            return $pdf->signature(); // The file will be downloaded
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary

3 - Sign PDF with image insertion


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Certificate;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use LSNepomuceno\LaravelA1PdfSign\{ManageCert, SealImage, SignaturePdf};

class ExampleController() {
    public function dummyFunction(Request $request){
        // FROM FILE
        try {
            $cert = new ManageCert;
            $cert->fromPfx('path/to/certificate.pfx', 'password');
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary
        // FROM UPLOAD
        try {
            $cert = new ManageCert;
            $cert->fromUpload($request->pfxUploadedFile, $request->password);
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary
        $image = SealImage::fromCert($cert);

        $imagePath = a1TempDir(true, '.png');
        File::put($imagePath, $image);

        // Returning signed resource string
        try {
            $pdf = new SignaturePdf('path/to/pdf/file.pdf', $cert)
            $resource = $pdf->setImage($imagePath) // USE THE "setImage" METHOD
            // TODO necessary
        } catch (\Throwable $th) {
            // TODO necessary

3.1 - The "setImage" method



public function setImage(
    string $imagePath, // Image path location
    float  $pageX = 155, // X page position
    float  $pageY = 250, // Y page position
    float  $imageW = 50, // The image width, if set to 0, the original or proportional image size will be used
    float  $imageH = 0   // The image height, if set to 0, the original or proportional image size will be used
): SignaturePdf


3.2 - The expected result will be as shown below


All information displayed on the signature seal is taken from the certificate.

demonstration seal

3.3 - In some cases you may need to create your own signature seal, check the implementation of the SealImage::fromCert method for details.

3.4 - Extras

try {
    $pdf = new SignaturePdf('path/to/pdf/file.pdf', $cert)
    $resource = $pdf->setImage($imagePath) // Defines an image in place of the document's signature.
                    ->setFileName('new-file-name.pdf') // Use the "setFileName" method if you want to modify the name of the file that will be returned.
                    ->setInfo( // Defines extra information for the digital signature.
                    ->setHasSignedSuffix(false) // By default the suffix "_signed" will be included at the end of the filename, if you don't want this behavior, just set the value "false" in the "setHasSignedSuffix" method.
    // TODO necessary
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
   // TODO necessary