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Health Dosage App developed with Yeoman Ionic and focussed on AngularJS Architecture. Deployment to local Web Browser only


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Hybrid Yeoman-generated Ionic Mobile App built using boilerplate.

Important Note: This is a Desktop Web Browser-based App primarily focussed on experimenting with AngularJS capabilities (emulation on iOS Simulator using Xcode and Android Emulation with Eclipse is not currently supported). Refer to my other MyHealth App that was built with Yeoman using Generate Ionic boilerplate where the focus was to experiment with Google Maps capabilities and on maintaining multi-platform support for deployment with Cordova to Desktop Web Browsers, iOS Devices (iOS Simulator with Xcode), and Android Devices (Android Emulation with Eclipse).

Technologies Used

  • Yeoman Ionic Scaffold boilerplate
    • Grunt (Task Runner). Refer to Gruntfile.js
      • Runs Cordova Builds
      • Watches (headless with PhantomJS) with LiveReload:
        • Karma unit testing errors (coded in Mocha and Chai) and detects and reports via terminal JSHint syntax errors
        • Protractor functional (E2E) errors in Chrome and Firefox (running either Selenium with Protractor in stand-alone mode or a separate Selenium Server for complex tests). Refer to protractor.conf.js
      • Wiredep (automatically injects Bower components into app)
    • Bower (Package Manager). Refer to bower.json
    • Cordova (Builds Web Server)
    • Compass (compiles SASS to CSS)
    • Google Maps (Cordova Geolocation Plugin)
  • NPM (Node Package Manager)
  • Polymer Polyfill for (see associated commits)
  • JSON (Datasets)
  • Heroku (deployed to production with package.json start script and Procfile)
  • AngularJS with ngApp, ngModel (query data-bind inputs to matching data model. 'focus'), ng-minLength Directive (min length of input fields), ngRepeat (Dynamic Data using Handlebars or ngBind / ngBindTemplate, and Filter), ngController (HTTP Service to JSON Datasets), ngCloak (prevent HTML loading flicker), ngSrc Directive (image attribute binding), ngScenario/angular-scenario (KarmaJS AngularJS Test Runner with Protractor), ngRoute Module, RESTful ngResource Module Service Factory with Caching ($resource instead of $http), ngClass, ngInit, ngShow, ngClick, Custom Directives and Custom Elements ('replace' to replace Custom Elements with partial template, 'restrict' invokes a Directive on a Custom Element or an Attribute i.e. EA), $watch (observation and callback without ngChange Directive), ngTransclude (declares where original content goes and has access to parent scope), ngCookies/angular-cookies , 'template' attribute is template HTML to insert for a directive, 'require' attribute corresponds to Directive Controller of the parent element, '=' attribute data binds a property with a property in the Directive's parent scope, '@' attribute passes the attribute as string and data binds its value in enclosing scope using interpolation {{}}, '&' attribute is passed in from a function from parent scope to be called later, 'controller' attribute provides API with methods to allow communication between Custom Elements, '$emit' provides upward communications, '$broadcast' provides downward communications, Filter (Search)

Feature Progress (Basic)

  • Progress Status expander
    1. Basic functionality with ng-show and ng-transclude
  • Tab Bar Menu
  • List Sentences data
    1. Fetches data from JSON file
    2. Sort by alphanumeric or age
    3. Thumbnails shown
  • Search and Filter Sentences list
    1. Validates minimum of 2 alphanumeric input letters
  • Detailed Sentence view
    1. Thumbnails triggering image gallery animation
  • Estimate view
    1. Calculates recommended dosage based on health condition input
  • Quote view
    1. Quotation for recommended dosage. Share quotation for additional fee.
  • Map view
    1. Google Maps track health condition, dosage, quotation provided ‼️.

Testing with Protractor (E2E)

  • Run with the following command in terminal to simulate tests in a Chrome Browser (all tests should pass):
    protractor protractor.conf.js

Running the App

  1. Run the Web Server:
grunt serve
  • Wait for it to automatically open at or open manually at this address in your browser (Chrome recommended) http://localhost:9000/
  1. Play with App:
  • Move mouse over "Bar 1 Title" box to show "Bar 1 Text". Move over "Bar 1 Title" again to hide.
  • Scroll down the page (by default you will be in the "Info" view no. 1 when the server loads)
  • Select "Oldest" from the "Sort by" drop-down menu to re-order the data list (shown on the right)
  • Enter "ee" in the "Search" input field to filter the data list
  • Remove "ee" from the "Search" input field to restore the data list
  • Click the "Estimate" Menu (coloured orange representing view no. 2)
  • Enter "500" in the "Health" input field and it will automatically calculate and display a "Recommended Dosage" value of "2500" (try other values if you wish)
  • Click the "Quote" Menu (coloured orange representing view no. 3)
  • Enter "1000" in the "Health" input field and it will automatically calculate and display a "Recommended Dosage" value of "5000" and a "Quotation" value of "$50,000.00" (try other values if you wish).
  • Click the "Share Quotation" button and it will automatically calculate and display a "Shared Quotation" value of "$50,020.00" (note that the quotation includes the advertised fee of $20 for sharing it) and the "Count of Shared Quotes and Acknowledgements" value will increment by 1.
  • Click the "Acknowledge Receipt" button (located higher up the page) and the "Count of Shared Quotes and Acknowledgements" value will increment by 1 again each time, also, the "Count of Shared Quotes" (coloured green) will increment by 1 each time.
  • Go to this address in Chrome:
  • Hover over the thumbnail images (shown on the right) to swap the main image




Health Dosage App developed with Yeoman Ionic and focussed on AngularJS Architecture. Deployment to local Web Browser only







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