This is a helper for CFF(Control flow flattening). It can help you to deflat the OLLVM CFF obfuscated code.
Use binaryninja workflow to deflat the CFF obfuscated code.
Move the folder MikuCffHelper
to the plugins
folder of BinaryNinja.
Open the CFF obfuscated file with MikuCffHelper_workflow.
- right click the function you want to deflat, and select
Function Analysis/analysis.plugins.workflow_patch_mlil
this is a beta version, and i'm still working on it.
Only some functions in the example/ work well because the feature to trace the source of stateVar assignments has not been implemented yet.
通过binaryninja 的workflow来修改各级il,从而实现去除控制流平坦化
fix_binaryninja_api 通过使用monkey_patch来修改binaryninja的api,从而修复部分bug(如 get_block_at在某些情况下 标准api实现不正确 llil的copy_expr在某些情况下会报错),实现在cpp的api中实现了而在python中未实现的功能(如新增instr的同时指定该instr的地址)
passes/low 实现 复制公共基础块,将if语句放置在单独的block中,内联if(cond) 语句,从而利于在mlil中进行处理 passes/mid 实现 清理Pass(如合并连续的goto,if(true)等语句,合并block,将if(123==a)反转为if(a==123) )实现将stateVar赋值语句放在当前block尾部,实现将if a!=1 反转为 if a==1, 实现去平坦化
去平坦化: 收集所有为变量赋值为大常数的语句,与if中比较大常数的语句,通过统计学特征来统计出高置信度的stateVar变量,使用nx将cfg抽象为有向有环无权图(唯一入口点,多个出口点),通过nx的路径搜索,得出路径,然后部分模拟执行该路径,如果可达则patch该路径
优点: 相比于D810,性能较优,同时可以处理多层平坦化嵌套的情况 (来自2025届本科生正在开发的毕设项目)