Project to make the Sieve of Eratosthenes and Quicksort algorithm with OpenMP and OpenMPI.
The project uses OpenMP, a open library for parallel programming. You will need it to compile.
$ gcc -g -Wall -fopenmp -o sieve sieve.c -lm
$ ./sieve n t
'n' is the maximum number for the sieve 't' is the number of threads
The PSRS (Parallel sorting by regular sampling) algorithm is implemented for this. The project uses OpenMP and OpenMPI, open libraries for parallel programming. You will need both to compile.
The project uses OpenMP, a open library for parallel programming. You will need it to compile.
$ mpicc -g -Wall -fopenmp -o quicksort quicksort.c -lm
$ mpirun quicksort -np n t
'n' in the number of processes 't' is the number of threads