Questioner helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.
- Javascript
Ressource URL | Methods | Description |
/ | GET | The index (welcome message) |
/api/v1/meetups | GET | Fetch all meetups |
/api/v1/meetups/:id | GET | Fetch a particular meetup |
/api/v1/questions/ | GET | Fetch all meetup questions |
/api/v1/meetups/upcoming | GET | Fetch all upcoming meetups |
/api/v1/meetups | POST | Post to the collection of meetups |
/api/v1/questions | POST | Post a question on meetup |
/api/v1/meetups/:id | PATCH | Update a particular meetup |
/api/v1/meetups/:id | PATCH | Update a particular meetup |
/api/v1/questions/:id/upvote | PATCH | Upvote on a meetup question |
/api/v1/questions/:id/downvote | PATCH | Downvote on a meetup question |
/api/v1/meetups/:id | DELETE | Delete a particular meetup |
*NodeJS* (run time Environment for running JS codes)
*Express* (used for building fast APIs)
*Mocha* and *Chai*
Travis CI
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To install the software on your local machine, you need first to clone the repository or download the zip file and once this is set up you are going to need this packages. [NodeJS]
[Node Package Installer - NPM] this usually comes with Node or YARN in case NPM doesn't work.
The installation of this application is fairly straightforward, After cloning this repository to your local machine,CD into the package folder using your terminal and run the following
> npm install
It will install the node_modules which will help you run the project on your local machine.
> npm start
> npm test
Version 1.0.0
- Jean luc Tuyishime
Copyright (c) Jean luc Tuyishime, Software developer