Development API with Node(Restify) and MySQL
|__ src/
| |__ http/
| | |__ routes/
| | | |__ auth/
| | | | |__ auth.route.js
| | | |__ categories/
| | | | |__ categories.route.js
| | | |__ home/
| | | | |__ home.route.js
| | |__ loadRoutesByPath.js
| | |__ routes.js
| |__ server/
| | |__ services/
| | |__ mysql
| | |__ auth/
| | | |__ index.js
| | |__ categories/
| | | |__ index.js
| | |__ helpers/
| | | |__ index.js
| | |__ tests/
| | | |__ auth.test.js
| | | |__ categories.test.js
| | | |__ setup.js
| | | |__ users.test.js
| | |__ users/
| | | |__ index.js
| | |__ index.js
| |__ cors.js
| |__ index.js
| |__ jwtMiddleware.js
|__ .editorconfig
|__ .env.simple
|__ .eslintrc.json
|__ .gitignore
|__ .travis.yml
|__ package.json
|__ tables.sql
$ git clone
$ cd api_restful_ws
$ npm install or npm i
$ mysql -u userDB -p < tables.sql
$ npm run test or npm test
$ npm run dev