This project simulates a cyber attack on an industrial complex's infrastructure by creating a containerized environment with a SCADA, PLC, and connected components that resemble and simulate the functions of an industrial water plant. We researched relevant CVEs that have been found in industrial complexes, later specializing in finding exploits applicable to SCADAs. We used Docker for containerizing our environment and implemented SCADA-LTS as our simulated SCADA. We simulated components that would be connected to a SCADA in an industrial water plant environment by using Flask in python to simulate the functions and operations of the components and how they send data. These components send their data first to the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC) and then get transmitted to the SCADA by the Modbus protocol which we simulated by using the pymodbus library in our python file for the PLC.

- we used the
library to simulate the functions of a real PLC
- used Flask in Python to simulate the functions of an HMI to control the functions of the sensor and actuator
- simulated the functions of a water sensor using Flask in Python
- simulated the functions of an actuator using Flask in Python
- Install docker desktop (if not already)
- In the directory with the
docker-compose up
docker ps
for the name or id of the scadalts containerdocker exec -it <container_name/id> /bin/bash
to connect to shell