This project was developed using the following technologies:
- Single Responsibility Principle: Each class has a unique responsibility;
- Open/Closed Principle: Application classes must be open for extension but closed for modification;
- Liskov Substitution Principle: We should be able to replace a parent class with an inheritance from it and everything still works;
- Interface Segregation Principle: Segregate Interfaces;
- Dependency Inversion Principle: Instead of the class fetching the dependencies it needs, the context informs the class of the required dependencies;
Clone the project and access the folder.
$ git clone
$ cd nlw-setup-ignite
Follow the steps below:
# Install the web dependencies
$ cd web
$ npm install
# Start the web project
$ npm start
# Install the server dependencies
$ cd server
$ npm install
# Start the server project
$ npx prisma migrate deploy
$ npm run dev
# Install the mobile dependencies
$ cd mobile
$ npm install
# Start the mobile project
$ npm start
You can view the project layout through the links below:
Remembering that you need to have a Figma account to access it.
Made with 💜 by lucasfontesgaspareto👋