To run application tests:
./gradlew test To run mutation tests:
./gradlew pitest The index.html will be generated at $project_direcotry/build/reports/pitest/index.html
After run mutation tests if you want to open the report through command line type: *(must have firefox installed)
./gradlew piport Gradle piport is equivalent as open the $project_direcotry/build/reports/pitest/index.html manually
How to run the application from the code *For follow you have to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable with java 8 or superior.
Clone the repository and within project folder root, type
For windows Generate application jar typing on terminal:
gradlew.bat jar For linux Generate application jar typing on terminal:
./gradlew jar Running jar With that command a jar will be created at $project_directory/build/libs/bouquet-producer-0.1.jar
Within project folder, type on terminal:
java -jar build\libs\bouquet-producer-0.1.jar
How to run with Docker On project directory type
docker build . -t bouquet-producer
To run
docker run -it bouquet-producer
Copy and Paste your stream to the terminal and the program should run.