The aim of the role is to install noggin on Redhat (ansible_os_family) based operating systems. The installation of noggin is performed via rpm command and not dnf module because there's an issue with the noggin package released on epel repository. Therefore the installation is performed this way:
- dnf module is used in downloadonly mode
- downloaded rpms are installed rpm *rpm --force
- downloaded rpms are removed
The role installs even the private key and public selfsigned cert used by nginx to be used in https.
Put Selinux in Permissive mode otherwise the noggin application will not interact with freeipa servers. This is not the proper way to tackle the issue but it was he quickest one at least for me.
Variables have been defined in the vars/main.yml and in default/main.yml In vars/main.yml there are: The name of the role to be included for RedHat based systems (Rocky, Alma)
repo_epel_role_name: geerlingguy.repo-epel
In defaults/main.yml there are:
Web server variables needed for installation and basic customization
webserver: nginx
webserver_rootdoc: /var/www/html
#Used by firewalld rule
- http
- https
Noggin variables for installation
apply_noggin_install_workaround: True
noggin_temp_rpm_dir: /opt/noggin_rpms #This directory will be used to temporary download the rpms needed by noggin and manually installed because of a clash between nginx and noggin rpms
Noggin variables for web app configuration
#Variables used for noggin web app configuration
freeipa_admin_user: adminuser
freeipa_admin_pass: changeme
- host: freeipa1.atm.local
port: 443
- host: freeipa2.atm.local
port: 443
freeipa_cert_dir: /etc/ipa
freeipa_ca_cert_file: ipa_ca .crt
Flask-mail variables used by noggin
noggin_mail_suppress_send: False
noggin_mail_server: smtp.gmail.com
noggin_mail_port: 587
noggin_use_tls: True
noggin_use_ssl: False
noggin_mail_username: myservice@email.com
noggin_mail_password: myserviceemailpassword
noggin_mail_default_sender: myservice@email.com
noggin_mail_debug: True
noggin_debug: True
#Variables user for noggin nginx configuration
ngnix_noggin_server_name: noggin.lab.local
nginx_noggin_enable_tls: True
noggin_private_key_dir: /etc/noggin/private-key
noggin_private_key_name: noggin-selfsigned.key
noggin_cert_dir: /etc/noggin/
noggin_cert_name: noggin-selfsigned.crt
The geerlingguy.repo-epel is used to enable the epel-repositories.
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: mantis
become: yes
- name: noggin role
name: noggin
In order to override your sensitive data like:
- freeipa_admin_user
- freeipa_admin_pass
- noggin_mail_username
- noggin_mail_password
- noggin_mail_default_sender
Write a file (e.g. nogginsecrevar.yml) containing the variables with the proper values
freeipa_admin_user: myipaadminuser
freeipa_admin_pass: myipadminpass
noggin_mail_username: mysecretmail@mail.com
noggin_mail_password: mysecretmailpass
noggin_mail_default_sender: mysecretmail@mail.com
then execute following command
ansible-playbook noggin.yml -e @nogginsecrevar.yml
Luca Ceccarani