Vagrant project to spin up a cluster of 6 virtual machines with docker latest (1.5.0), swarm v0.3.0-rc3, spark v1.4.0, compose 1.2.0rc3, zookeepr r3.4.5, mesos latest (v 0.22.0), marathon (v 0.8.1), chronos (v 2.3.2) and kubernetes (v 1.1) on Mesos
- mesosnode1 : zookeeper + mesos master + marathon + chronos
- mesosnode2 : mesos slave with docker
- mesosnode3 : mesos slave with docker
- mesosnode4 : mesos slave with docker
- mesosnode5 : mesos slave with docker
- mesosnode6 : mesos slave with docker
TODO: Weave-DNS, Consul DNS, Sky-DNS
- Download and install VirtualBox
- Download and install Vagrant.
- Run
vagrant box add Ubuntu
- Git clone this project, and change directory (cd) into this project (directory).
- Run
vagrant up
to create the VM. - Run
vagrant ssh
to get into your VM. The VM name in vagrant is mesosnode1, mesosnode2 ... mesosnoden. While the ip of VMs depends on the scale of your mesos cluster. If it is less then 10, the IP will be, .... Or you could runssh
directly with ip of VMs and username/password of demo/demo, and then execute "su - root" with password of vagrant. - Run
vagrant destroy
when you want to destroy and get rid of the VM. - The directory of /vagrant is mounted in each VM by vagrant if you want to access host machine from VM. You could also use win-sshfs if you want to access the local file system of VM from host machine. Please refer to for details.
Some gotcha's.
- Make sure you download Vagrant v1.7.1 or higher and VirtualBox 4.3.20 or higher with extension package
- Make sure when you clone this project, you preserve the Unix/OSX end-of-line (EOL) characters. The scripts will fail with Windows EOL characters. If you are using Windows, please make sure the following configuration is configured in your .gitconfig file which is located in your home directory ("C:\Users\yourname" in Win7 and after, and "C:\Documents and Settings\yourname" in WinXP). Refer to for details of git configuration.
autocrlf = false
safecrlf = true
- Make sure you have 10Gb of free memory for the VMs. You may change the Vagrantfile to specify smaller memory requirements.
- This project has NOT been tested with the other providers such as VMware for Vagrant.
- You may change the script ( to point to a different location for etcd, kubernetes to be downloaded from.
If you have the resources (CPU + Disk Space + Memory), you may modify Vagrantfile to have even more mesos slave. Just find the line that says "numNodes = 6" in Vagrantfile and increase that number. The scripts should dynamically provision the additional slaves for you.
SSH into mesosnode1 and run the following command to start Zookeeper.
/usr/share/zookeeper/bin/ start
Run the following command to make sure you can connect Zookeeper. Refer to for more details
/usr/share/zookeeper/bin/ -server mesosnode1:2181
Or Run following command to send command to Zookeeper. Refer to for more details
echo ruok | nc mesosnode1 2181
SSH into mesosnode1 and run the following command to start mesos master.
setsid /usr/bin/mesos-init-wrapper master
setsid /usr/bin/marathon
setsid /usr/bin/chronos
SSH into other nodes and run the following command to start mesos slave.
setsid /usr/bin/mesos-init-wrapper slave
Please refer to for how to configure parameters when start mesos master or slave.
Please refer to for how to configure parameters when start marathon.
Access for GUI of mesos.
Please refer to for how to build and run mesos example on Ubuntu 14.04
Access for GUI of marathon.
Follow the examples in to test the marathon.
Run the following command to create a docker application with specification of docker.json
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://mesosnode1:8080/v2/apps -d@docker.json
Run the following command to query and delete the application
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" mesosnode1:8080/v2/apps | python -m json.tool
curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" mesosnode1:8080/v2/apps/${appid} | python -m json.tool
Please refer to for all the REST API of marathon.
Please refer to for constraints of marathon.
Please refer to for how to create docker application in marathon.
Access for GUI of chronos.
Please refer to for more details of chronos
Run the following command to start Spark framework on Mesos with cluster mode
/usr/local/spark/sbin/ -m mesos://mesosnode1:5050
Access for GUI of Spark Drivers for Mesos cluster if above command is executed in mesosnode1.
After that submit Spark job to mesos-dispatcher as follows
spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --master mesos://mesosnode1:7077 --executor-memory 512m --executor-cores 1 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi $SPARK_HOME/lib/spark-examples-1.4.0-hadoop2.6.0.jar 100
By default Spark scheduler works with fine grain mode. Within fine grain mode, when Spark driver gets offer from Mesos, it will try to dispatch pending task to the offer. Each task consumes cpu of spark.task.cpus. If there is no executor in the offer, Spark will ask Mesos to create spark executor first with memory of "max(OVERHEAD_FRACTION * sc.executorMemory, OVERHEAD_MINIMUM) + sc.executorMemory" (By default, it will be 384m + 512m) and cpu of spark.mesos.mesosExecutor.cores.
To configure coarse mode, configure "spark.mesos.coarse true" in spark-defaults.conf. Within coarse mode, when Spark driver gets offers from Mesos, it will try to start executor with memory of "max(OVERHEAD_FRACTION * sc.executorMemory, OVERHEAD_MINIMUM) + sc.executorMemory" (By default, it will be 384m + 512m) and cpu of all the allocated cpu.
sc.executorMemory could be configured by spark.executor.memory or environment of SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY/SPARK_MEM.
Mesos executor will try to find spark binaries by $SPARK_HOME or user could define spark.mesos.executor.home as "/usr/local/spark" in /usr/local/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf. Please refer to for more configuration parameters.
Run the following command to start a Spark client on Mesos with client mode
spark-shell --master mesos://mesosnode1:5050
spark-submit --master mesos://mesosnode1:5050 --executor-memory 512m --executor-cores 1 --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi $SPARK_HOME/lib/spark-examples-1.4.0-hadoop2.6.0.jar 100
Access for Spark GUI if above command is executed in mesosnode1.
Mesos executor will try to find spark binaries by $SPARK_HOME or user could define spark.mesos.executor.home as "/usr/local/spark" in /usr/local/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf. Please refer to for more configuration parameters.
Run the following command to start Swarm on Mesos
swarm manage -c mesos-experimental --cluster-opt mesos.address= --cluster-opt mesos.port=3375 --host
Run the following command to verify the Swarm on Mesos
docker -H tcp:// info
docker -H tcp:// run -d -m 300M -c 1 --name sleep ubuntu /bin/sleep 1000000000
setsid /usr/local/etcd/etcd --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls >"/tmp/etcd.log" 2>&1 &
Run the following command to make sure etcd works
etcdctl --peers set key1 value1
curl -L http://`hostname -i`:4001/v2/keys/
Refer to for more info of etcd
Now start the kubernetes-mesos API server, controller manager, and scheduler on the master node:
cd /usr/local/src/kubernetes
setsid km apiserver \
--address= \
--etcd-servers= \
--service-cluster-ip-range= \
--port=8888 \
--cloud-provider=mesos \
--cloud-config=mesos-cloud.conf \
--secure-port=0 \
--v=1 >apiserver.log 2>&1
setsid km controller-manager \
--master= \
--cloud-provider=mesos \
--cloud-config=./mesos-cloud.conf \
--v=1 >controller.log 2>&1
setsid km scheduler \
--address= \
--mesos-master= \
--etcd-servers= \
--mesos-user=root \
--api-servers= \
--cluster-dns= \
--cluster-domain=cluster.local \
--v=2 >scheduler.log 2>&1