#Description How It Works
- It is written with python programming (python3)
- Make sure that the following modules are installed in your python:
- To check if they are installed on your system, open CMD then write python and then write the following on the command line.
import docx2txt
import zipfile
import json
import re
- If the above commands give you an error then use the following commands to install them on CMD.
pip install docx2txt
pip install zipfile
pip install json
pip install re
- you can also install them on Anacond Prompt using conda
- First see Description.pdf it tells you the problem statement , what should the output look like? and other descriptions of the problem.
- ETL_SAMPLE_DICT.zip contains tigrigna documents to be changed in to JSON structure.
- JsonOutput.py contains the source code.
- ETL_SAMPLE_DICT01.json and ETL_SAMPLE_DICT02.json are the output json files.
- When you run the program make sure that you are in the same diroctary with ETL_SAMPLE_DICT.zip , unless you specified the path of it.