Magento Workflow and Development Tools
Front end Development
- Generator Grunt Magento: Yeoman generator to boost Magento front-end development.
IDE Plugins
- Magicento: Magento IDE Plugin. Plugin for PHPStorm.
- Brackets Magento Hint: Magento Frontend Hint. Plugin for Brackets.
- Magento Tools: Magento Tools is perfect for those who want to be fast and practical in Magento development. Plugin for Atom.
Modules and Dependency Management
- Modman: Module Manager to keep each modules source separated.
- Composer: Dependency Manager.
- Magento composer installer: Module Manager to keep each modules source separated.
- N98-magerun: Generic Magento CLI tool.
- Jumpstorm: Extendible Tool to set up Magento, including extensions, settings and execution of additional tasks.
For Store
- Advanced Developer Tools: Advanced Developer Tools comes with tool-bars to inspect elements/blocks and override them in few clicks.
- Magneto Debug: Debug toolbar for Magento.
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