This is a very simple plugin to make folding in Vim look better and eazier
Using pathogen.vim or vundle.vim:
Simply copy and paste:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
An in the case of vundle add Bundle 'luisdavim/pretty-folds'
to your .vimrc
See the source for the authoritative list of features:
- Sets fold text style
- Toggle folds using the space key (when foldmethod is set)
: Fold tags'<leader>ff'
: Fold brackets'<leader>fp'
: Fold paragraph'<leader>fi'
: Fold indentation'<leader>af'
: Automatic folding (sets foldmethod to syntax)
How can I see what this plugin actually does?
The source is authoritative.
Feel free to [let me know][GitHub issues] which setting you object to, so I can reassess whether it makes sense to include it.
I want this to be a plugin nobody objects to installing. [Let me know][GitHub issues] if you have any objections to anything.
Feel free to ask a question if you're not sure why I've set something, as I haven't put much effort into documenting that. [GitHub issues]:
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Copyright © Luis Davim. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See :help license