Silly little python restful client using Requests
Let's say you have the following restful endpoints:
# get all users
# get single user, also can update this user
# get all blog posts
# get single post, update post
To use the restful client:
client = RestfulClient()
client.base_url = ''
# get
all_users = client.get('/users')
single_user = client.get('/users/1')
all_posts = client.get('/posts')
single_post = client.get('/posts/123')
# post, patch, put
user_data = {'firstname': 'luis'}
new_user ='/users', data)
edit_user = client.patch('/users/1', data)
edit_user = client.put('/users/1', data)
# delete
deleted_user = client.delete('/users/1')
Using Basic Authentication is simple. You can create any auth object supported by Requests and pass it into the auth parameter.
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
user_data = {'firstname': 'luis'}
new_user ='/users', data, auth)
# or
new_user ='/users', data, auth=(username, password))
I removed all error handling from this version.
The client's only purpose is to make an api call and return a response. The application using this client should decide how it wants to handle any errors.