Filter Twitter v.2 Academic Research's data within location and date
Given a file of tweets extrated from the new v.2 API, this function filters the exact geolocated ones according to a user specified location and radius together with a date.This allows to get precise event locations.
The package twarc2
can be used in python in order to extract all tweets that match an specific query. The following code provides an example of this:
twarc2 search --archive "(#BLM OR #BlackLivesMatter) has:geo lang:en -is:retweet place_country:US" --start-time "2020-05-25" --end-time "2021-01-31" >output.json
To obtain the full features we use the option flatten
twarc2 flatten output.json output_flat.json
and export as .csv to import latter in R:
twarc2 csv output_flat.json blm_python.csv
assumes that the input in data
contains only the subsect of data with exact geolocation (column geo.coordinates.coordinates