Development of a simple predictive model to detect fraudulent transactions in R.
The train.csv attachment contains information about many credit and debit card transactions through different channels. For each transaction there is the monetary value of the same and other variables. Information of 6 months, of clients and criminals transacting abroad with a present card, that is, NO internet, face-to-face purchases. The missing data in the distances is generally because the client does not have any route that allows the calculation to be made.
Here it is the list of features (Names are in Spanish):
Name Description
ID Id Cliente
FRAUDE 1= Fraud; 0=No fraud
VALOR transaction value
HORA_AUX Transaction time, without minutes or seconds
Dist_max_NAL Maximum distance traveled nationally (in miles)
Canal1 Transactional channel of the transaction, including types of dataphones
FECHA Date of occurrence of the transaction
COD_PAIS Country of occurrence of the transaction. View Internet ISO code
CANAL Transaction channel of the transaction
DIASEM Day of the week the transaction was made
DIAMES Day of the month the transaction was made
FECHA_VIN Customer bonding date
OFICINA_VIN Client Office
SEGMENTO customer segment
EDAD Customer Age
INGRESOS Customer income
EGRESOS customer expenses
NROPAISES # countries visited
Dist_Sum_INTER Sum of distance traveled internationally (in miles)
Dist_Mean_INTER Average distance traveled internationally (in miles)
NROCIUDADES Number of national cities visited
Dist_Sum_NAL Sum distance traveled nationally (in miles)
Dist_Mean_NAL Maximum distance traveled nationally (in miles)
Dist_HOY Difference between the last current transaction made and the transaction being made today
Please feel free to improve or comment my first project in R.