The unoffical App for the Game Werwolf. The app plays differnt songs for each day and night time.
Additional features:
- User selectable themes for day and night
- Counter of the current night
- And more is currently under work
If you just want to play a round, head over to the website. For local hosting / usage see the development section.
Just create a new issue and and describe the feature you wish. We will try our best to implement it.
Please create an issue and describe the bug with reproduction steps and a screenshot.
If you want to implement features, fix bugs or just host the site yourself, follow these instructions.
You will need the following toolchain:
- NodeJs (16.x)
- pnpm
With that provided, clone the repo and change the directory:
git clone
cd werwapp
Install the dependencies
pnpm install
and start the application
pnpm run dev
Thats it, now you should see the app on localhost
You need to prived the env variable SECRET_SONG_BASE_PATH
. You can utilize the parametes {STATE}
and {TITLE}
in the url.
Theese are getting substitutet with the attributes of the song in upper case during the server side request.
Just fork the repo and start hacking. Please name your commits using convetional commits.