The purpose of this tool is to create a list of codes generated from an initial string and stamp these codes onto an image. After that, you can aggregate the stamped images into a bigger image and print these images.
git clone;
cd StupidSimpleVoucherStamper;
pip install -r requirements.txt;
Edit and change the following variables:
# The string that will be used to generate the codes
initial_string = "ABC123"
# The number of codes that will be generated
count = 100
# The name of the input image
initial_image = "sample.jpg"
# The lebgth of the code
code_length = 8
Replace input/sample.jgp with your image
Edit and change the following arguments of the stamp_codes function:
# The name of the input image
initial_image = "sample.jpg"
# The font size of the code
font_size = 20
# The font color (R,G,B) of the code
font_color = (0, 0, 0)
# The font of the code
font = "arial.ttf"
# The position of the code (pixels) in the image
x = 0
y = 0
Edit and change the following arguments of the aggregate_images function:
# The offset (pixels) between the images
padding = 10
# The number of images per row
rows = 5
# Tthe number of images per column
columns = 5
#After you have installed the requirements and edited to your needs you can run the script with the following command: