Website Multi Image stores multiple product images in a tab: 'Product Images' under Sales >> Product. These images are displayed on the product view page in a synced carousel (two carousels one large and one small) using OwlCarousel2.
Website Multi-Image
sudo git clone -b 8.0 This will provide you with the latest working 'stable' version of the module built for the 8.0 branch. Please be advised this module is still under development.-
Image magnification
- Options
- Magnifier.js:
- Zoom (jQuery):
- BootstrapMagnify:
- Options
Secondary Image (on Mouseover) (Category list view and grid view)
Image thumbnail preview widget in admin list view (to replace current download link)
Attach Images to product variants to allow for image galleries based on product variants. This will be designed to switch galleries based on product variant attributes (eg. colour, size, etc.).
Add product variant swatch thumbnails in a similar manner to Magento 1.9.1 (eg. t-if from tags or labels).
Add support for WebRotate360 module website_webrotate360 (*not yet built).
Add support for importing multiple images from URL or local path as default to allow for a more user-friendly mass update/import of product images in a similar manner to the Magmi project for Magento