Athrun Zala, pilot of ZGMF-X19A ∞ Justice Gundam.
Pun explaination: athRuns forever (infinite)
Simple scheduler Component based on j.u.c.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
. Supports dependency injection, multiple scheduled tasks and second resolution for repeated execution. Best of all, you can use cron expressions to configure when your handlers will execute.
It's a spiritual successor to nomnom/eternity and very simplified version of QuartzScheduler.
[athrun "0.0.3-SNAPSHOT"]
Scheduler is represented as a singular component, which manages a set of tasks. Tasks are wrapped by the component and receive the subset of the scheduler component dependencies.
Scheduler component:
- name (just for logging)
- tasks
Each task requires the following:
- handler - the scheduled function, receives a map of components it depends on
- dependencies - vector of keywords to select from the scheduler component's deps
- schedule - a Cron expression, with Quartz Scheduler extension allowing for specifying schedules down to a second (UNIX Cron can only schedule up to a minute)
- name - name for logging
Simple example:
(def tasks
[{:name "inactive-accounts"
;; what does this task require?
:dependencies [:publisher :redis]
;; run every 5m on 0th, 5th, 10th m of hour
:schedule "0 /5 * * * ?"
:handler (fn [{:keys [publisher redis]}]
(publisher :check-accounts (get-data-from redis)))}
{:name "email-queue"
;; 2am UTC
:schedule "0 0 2 * * *"
;; note that dependencies are pulled out of the scheduler component
:dependencies [:publisher :db-conn]
:handler (fn [{:keys [publisher db-conn]}]
(store-results db-conn (publisher :send-emails)))}])
(def system
{:scheduler (component/using
(athrun.core/create {:name "scheduler"
:scheduled-tasks tasks})
;; some component for pushing messages to a background job queue, redis and db clients
;; the scheduler component has to depend on all dependencies of its tasks
[:publisher :redis :db-conn])})
Similarly to Eternity, middlewares are supported and VERY simple. There are two provided:
- based on LockJaw require'slock
component in the system and dependencies list -
- simple logger based middleware, with DEBUG logs
Define your task like so:
(def scheduled-handler
(fn []
(println "i'll do some work, but only if I have the lock")))))
and use it in your task definition.
- better docs
- more testing
Copyright © 2018 - 2022 Lukasz Korecki
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.