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luke-siedle edited this page Dec 13, 2012 · 2 revisions

A client is a set of views and html that collectively serve a purpose in a specific context. Clients can be conditioned to be used for certain URLs or triggered by other factors.

The desktop client is the client where views for the website are stored. Normal website based requests will produce output or behaviour by using this client.

The mobi client is the client for a mobile view of the website, if one is required (i.e. media queries are not sufficient).

The resource client is a system client that is equipped to handle CRUD tasks such as a create task instigated by an html form. It tries to imitate a RESTful interface. It is coupled with the Resource, Data, Database, and Query system classes to automate database transactions as much as possible.

Other possible clients could be "tablet" or "api".

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