"I came up with evangelist and am developing it so I could configure everything less when I am dead."
A wide set of configurations for Vim, Bash/Zsh, Tmux, and Jupyter.
Deploy them on a laptop, remote server, or in a docker container.
Revert to your original settings with the uninstall
More information on the first wiki page!
All settings made to the console (including Vim commands that rely on the console) are fully supported by Ubuntu and (almost completely) by macOS. It is worth to mention that the settings themselves are not as platform dependent as the way of their installation. As the project grows, the settings and the setup script will become more universal and cross-platform.
Clone the repository.
For example:git clone https://github.com/lukoshkin/evangelist.git ~/.config/evangelist cd ~/.config/evangelist
Install at least minimal list of prerequisites
Run./evangelist.sh checkhealth
for help. -
In your console, run from the project directory:
./evangelist.sh install <configs>
can bebash
(you can specify more than one argument) -
To ensure the command history transfer, you may run instead:
export HISTFILE; ./evangelist.sh install <shell> <other args>
Re-login in the shell.
Adjust for yourself (optional).
commands to customize settings.
Since Vim keeps all changes made to files with it, on Linux, one might consider
adding anacron job (or its equivalent on macOS) by running anacron/anacron.sh
to remove old undofiles
./anacron.sh old @monthly
or those undofiles which counterparts no longer exist
./anacron.sh dead 30
Note, if you are a user of a different OS, you will have to set up 'auto-purge' of the undodir manually.
To get more information about what arguments anacron.sh
takes, type ./anacron.sh
Also, check the develop
branch for recent updates. If there are any,
you may want to incorporate them by typing git checkout develop
going to the step 2.
One can add vimmer-setup to their docker image (Ubuntu-based) with the command below.
It builds a new image with bash-settings installed on top of the existing environment.
Run this command from the directory where Dockerfile
docker build --build-arg IMG_NAME=<name_of_the_base_image> -t <new_image_name> .
If installing zsh-settings with the evangelist inside a docker container,
run the latter with -e TERM=xterm-256color
option. Otherwise, you will end up
with broken colors during the process of both the installation and exploitation.
docker run --name <container_name> -e TERM=xterm-256color -ti <name_you_gave_in_build_command>
- Light implementation of conda-autoenv which supports both bash and zsh
- Efficient navigation in the project directory (commands:
) - Interactive command history search (key-bindings:
) - Jupyter empowered by Vim and basic set of notebook extensions
- Minimal configuration for Tmux and several configuration levels for Vim/Neovim
Before to go into details, let's get familiar with the imposed notation:
in shortcuts stands for Ctrl
is for Meta
, which is Alt
or command
, depending on the keyboard layout.
is a combination of keys where first ones are modifier of the last one.
means the use of either a or b key in the given combination.
By default, Leader
is mapped to \
in Vim, LocalLeader
to <Space>
But you can change both values in your custom/custom.vim
Patch 1.4.5 (!)
modes: ins - insert, cmd - command, tbc - tab completionmode shortcut assignment ins jj
Exit insert mode cmd (j|k)
Go to the (next | Previous) matching substring in cmd history
provided no substring, go to the (next | previous) cmdany <M-(j|k)>
Go to the (next | previous) cmd matching the current buffer from
the beginning (Note: one more<j/k>
press to exit from ins mode)any <C-q>
Deletes the current buffer, so one can execute another cmd,
after which the original one would be restoredcmd /
Start interactive fuzzy search over cmds in the history file tbc ?
Start isearch (# of completion options can be narrowed
by typing more chars)any <C-a>
Change the prefix of the current command NOTE: the following settings are only supported by X11 based platforms
(It means that they will not work or be active on such as macOS or the one with Wayland protocol)any <M-(+|-)>
(in | de)crease terminal window transparency a bit -
Aliases and shell functions
alias/function assignment mkenv [env]
Remember the environment used in a folder to
[de]activate the former when [leaving]/entering the latter
(supports only conda environments)md
Create a directory (or nested folders) and cd there tree
Draw a project tree (files and directories);
if not installeddtree
is called instead
(a "safe" wrapper around Unixtree
Draw a project tree (folders only) v
Open the last file closed (in Vim) vip
Make the "vim-ipython" split in tmux
(available only if tmux settings are installed; former configuration)vrmswp [name]
Delete swap file by name or part of its name d
Show directories visited by user (autocd zsh option) (gg|G)
Go through the dir stack in (forward | backward) direction gg <n>
Go to n-th directory in the list obtained with d
(starting from 0)gg -<n>
Remove n-th directory from the dir stack swap
Swap names of two targets rexgrep <str>
is equivalent to grep -rIn --exclude-dir='.?*' <str>
, (exclude
hidden directories, binary files from recursive search; add numbering)(bash|zsh|vim)rc
*Edit user-defined settings for the specified target _(bash|zsh|vim)rc
Open main config file for the specified target math
Calculate simple expressions
(the result is stored in_ANS
and can be reused)evn|evangelist
Alias for evangelist.sh executable script * Note, the priority is given to custom settings. Also, they will not be overwritten by updates or new installations.
modes: n - normal, v - visual, t - terminal, c - command mapping
different setups: old settings (minimal), extended settings, Neovim-Lua (edge, v0.7)
General key-bindings and functions (common)
mode shortcut assignment n <Leader>en
Toggle spell-check n <Leader>y
Yank current buffer v <Leader>y
Yank selected text n <Leader>ts
Paste date and time before the cursor n <Leader>nu
Toggle line numbering and sign column n <Space>b<Space>
Split line at the next space after the cursor position v <Space>b<Space>
Split the entire line at spaces n <Space>bb
Split line at the next char you previously searched with f
v <Space>bb
Split the entire line at a separator you searched with /
n <Space><Space>
Clear a search pattern highlighting,
dismiss a message in the cmd line below or in floating winsn <Leader>x
Open file under the cursor with xdg-open any <C-s>
Save changes to a file n+v <C-(j|k)>
Move lines (down|up) n <M-(h|j|k|l)>
Insert an empty line or space in the direction
which a movement key specifiesn <S-M-(h|j|k|l)>
Same, but the cursor remains on the current char c Trim
Remove all trailing spaces in the whole file or for visual selection c Rmswp
Delete the swap file corresponding to the current buffer v //
Search for selected text
(doesn't work inVISUAL LINE
mode)any <M-m>
Toggle mouse v p
Paste the last yanked text in place of selected one n <A-r>
Repeat the last colon command used n <A-(n|N)>
Do not center window when searching n <Space>t
Open the current buffer in a new tab.
One can close the tab later withZZ
Plugins (w/o dependencies) and related mappings
Available at all levels
n <Leader>nt
Open tree explorer
(helps to navigate through a project tree)n <Leader>nf
Open tree explorer
starting from a directory of the current filen <Leader>u
Open undo-tree nord.nvim Change the default color scheme to nord trailing-whitespace Trailing whitespace highlighting vim-eunuch Adds useful commands like :SudoWrite
, and etc.vim-heritage Create a parent directory (if need be) when saving a file vim-lastplace Open file at the last edit position vim-mundo Visualize Vim undo tree vim-pasta Auto-indent on pasting vim-repeat Repeat with .
complex commands (e.g., containing<Plug>
)vim-sleuth Automatically adjust shiftwidth
vim-surround Surround with quotation marks, tags, and more. Remove them or substitute vim-commentary Commenting and uncommenting lines With Neovim-Lua setup and entended settings
vimspector Code debugger vimtex Mappings, highlighting, compilation for LaTex files markdown-preview.nvim Preview markdown in the user's browser vim-slime Send code on the left to a split on the right and execute it if possible vim-ipython-cell Build cell layout for Python code with a delimiter n <Leader>md
Open/close markdown preview n <C-p>
Open CtrlP fuzzy finder Vimspector
n <Leader>dc
Switch to the debug mode
or continue runningn <Leader>dr
Terminate debug session and switch to regular editing
Stop the debugger
(You can not continue from where you have stopped.
Unlike reset, all windows remain оpen)n <Leader>dd
Pause the debugger n <Leader>d0
Restart the debugger n <Space>=
Step into n <Space>+
Step over n <Space>-
Step out n <Space>.
Toggle breakpoint n <Space>,
Add a conditional breakpoint n <Space>:
Add a function breakpoint n <Space>db
Toggle section with breakpoints list n <Space>dd
Go to the section with source code n <Space>dv
Go to the variables section n <Space>dw
Go to the watches section n <Space>do
Go to the section with output n <Space>dt
Go to the terminal
if Vimspector has opened itn <Space>ds
Go to the 'stack trace' section With extended settings
vim-floaterm Terminal in a floating window coc.nvim Completion engine, syntax parsing, and more ctrlp.vim fuzzy search among MRU files, current folder content eregex.vim Toggle between Vim and Perl regular expressions ( <Leader>re
nmap)With Neovim-Lua setup
LuaSnip Code snippets auenv.nvim Automatically switch between conda envs bterm.nvim Simple terminal call bufferline.nvim Display tabs with buffers at the top dashboard-nvim Starting page on open fidget.nvim Widget displaying the loading progress of Neovim LSP gitsigns.nvim Mark changes to the working tree in the sign column vim-easy-align Align block of text lsp_signature.nvim Display signature help when modifying function arguments lualine.nvim Better status line null-ls.nvim Embed non-LSP sources in Neovim nvim-cmp Text/code-completion engine nvim-code-action-menu GUI for code action menu nvim-lspconfig Configs for Neovim LSP client nvim-neoclip.lua Pick one of previous yanks for pasting nvim-notify Display errors, warnings, hints in floating windows nvim-tree.lua File explorer nvim-treesitter Tree-sitter in Neovim project.nvim Automatically change CWD to the root of the project quick-scope Highlight word anchors within the line to do t/f-movement slime-wrapper.nvim Mimic JupyterLab telescope.nvim Advanced file search with preview vim-doge Generate documentation template for a function/class vim-sayonara Wipe out a buffer, don't close the window Jumps
n [g
Jump to the previous sign of gitsigns n ]g
Jump to the next sign of gitsigns n [d
Jump to the previous diagnostic n ]d
Jump to the next diagnostic n [e
Jump to the previous error (higher diagnostic severity lvl) n ]e
Jump to the next error (higher diagnostic severity lvl) n [b
Jump to the previous buffer n ]b
Jump to the next buffer Telescope
n <Leader>b
Open available buffers in Telescope n <Leader>fo
Open most recently used files in Telescope n <Leader>fp
Open projects in Telescope n <Leader>fy
Open previous yanks in Telescope n <Leader>fe
Open files in Telescope (exact search) n <Leader>ff
Open files in Telescope (fuzzy search) n <Leader>fa
Same but abolish all external ignore patterns n <Leader>fg
Find string with grep options in Telescope n gr
Open LSP references of the symbol under the cursor in Telescope n <Leader>fh
Find a help tag with Telescope n <Leader>fk
Find a key mapping with Telescope LSP keymaps (most of LSP mappings are valid for extended settings as well)
n gd
Go to definition n gD
Go to declaration n gs
Show signature help n ge
Show diagnostic message n <Leader>i
Go to implementation n <Leader>td
Go to type definition n K
Display hover information about the symbol under the cursor n <Leader>rn
Rename symbol under the cursor n <Space>q
Open diagnostics in the location list n <Leader>fs
Open documents symbols in the location list n+v <Leader>ca
Open code action menu Completions
i <C-e>
Close the completion menu & restore the current line to its original state i <C-y>
Close the completion menu & complete to the currently selected option i <Tab>
Jump to the next position in a snippet Some mappings of evangelist's offspring projects
n <Space>ip
Start IPython session in a split on the right n <Leader>ss
Select an interpreter to start a Vim-SLIME session n+t <M-t>
Toggle bottom terminal t <C-t>
Flip terminal from horizontal to vertical orientation Miscellanea
n+v <Leader>hr
Undo change made to a hunk (in git diff) under the cursor
Align a block of text
One specifies the range by a movement or selection.
switches the alignment moden <LocalLeader>dg
Generate documentation for a function or a class c :Insert <cmd>
Paste the cmd output to the current buffer c :Print <lua_table>
Print lua table in the cmdline window
Resize window
vertically (Up+/Down-)
or horizontally (Left-/Right+)
mode | shortcut | assignment |
Jupyter | n |
lift restrictions from selected cells |
Jupyter | l |
make selected cells read-only |
Jupyter | f |
freeze selected cells |
Jupyter | 00 |
restart the kernel without confirmation |
Jupyter | i |
enter Vim mode |
Vim | <M-j> |
exit from Vim mode (enables Jupyter mode) |
Jupyter | h(j|k) |
(un- | <blank> )collapse the selected heading cell's section |
Jupyter | <C-(j|k)> |
move selected cells (down | up) |
Jupyter | (J|K) |
extend selected cells (below | above) |
Check the rest settings with <F1>
or H
) while running Jupyter session.
shortcut | assignment |
<C-b> + (h|j|k|l) |
go to the window (on the left | below | above | on the right) |
<M-S-(h|j|k|l)> |
resize pane moving the border (to the left | down | up | to the right) |
<C-b> + (H|J|K|L) |
swap the window that has input focus with the one (on the left | below | above | on the right) |
<C-b>Q |
close vim buffers (saving them first if modified) and terminate tmux session |
<C-b>y |
toggle synchronous input in all panes |
<C-b>m |
toggle mouse support |
The described features correspond to zsh + Neovim setup. If you work in bash,
and your editor is Vim, then some of bindings may not be available. Moreover,
for macOS users, their default settings with command
take precedence over
the ones defined by evangelist.
If for some reason you want to use Vim in the IDE, you will have to define XDG base directory specification in
(since some IDEs don't read~/.zshenv
). -
Vim vs Neovim
There is no much difference between them if comparing with latest Vim version. But some plugins may produce errors in its old versions. For example, in Vim 7.4
for opening a file or expanding a folder does not work. Instead, you should useo
Currently, pressing
during evangelist's execution kills the process group. Since there is no clean-up procedure that would revert actions of unfinished command, you may try to call the latter again or go from scratch withuninstall
. -
in zshIf some of your commands are not saved during zsh-session, and you find this behavior undesirable, then you can remove these commands from
string in your$ZDOTDIR/extra.zsh
Cannot enter insert mode
If you get stuck in vi-cmd mode in the shell, what happens infrequently, you can handle this by hitting
, or any other key combination that may be considered as an alternative toi
. -
Meta key on macOS
To use shortcuts involving
key on macOS, you need to check out the Meta key option in iTerm2 preferences. Also, you may need to make sure that there are no overlapping Meta key bindings with the ones the system uses. In Neovim, you can try alternative bindings involding command key (<D-...>
instead of<A-...>
). -
Tmux outputs errors on startup
If this is the case, one needs to comment out the lines/blocks (they marked in
) that use the syntax of newer Tmux versions, than the installed one. This will be fixed in the next patches. -
Enforce installation in a new folder
Because of the current implementation, you cannot simply change the installation path by running
./evangelist.sh install <shell>
under a new folder. You need to first unset the variable with the installation path to an active evangelist instance:unset EVANGELIST; ./evangelist.sh install <args>
This work is based primarily on leveraging the following projects and resources.
- vim-plug | a minimalist Vim plugin manager |
- zcomet | Zsh plugin manager |
- jupyter-vim-binding | Vim extension for Jupyter Notebook |
- LunarVim | An IDE layer for Neovim |
- dotfiles1
- dotfiles2 - dotfiles3 |
custom settings I found on Git |
- Write Dockerfile
- Add
control functions - Add
environment variable - Write bash/zsh completions
- Write Wiki evangelist
- Switch from
(for Neovim) - Switch from CoC to configs with Native LSP (for Neovim)
- Test LunarVim / SpaceVim
- Tidy up the repository