A flexible, type-safe authentication system for TypeScript applications.
Lumina Auth is designed to be an "auth primitive" system that handles complex authentication flows while giving developers complete control over how they use authenticated profiles in their applications.
- Provider-based Authentication: Built-in and third-party providers handle specific auth flows (OAuth, credentials, etc.)
- Type-safe: Fully typed with TypeScript, including module augmentation support
- Framework Agnostic: Use with any JavaScript/TypeScript framework
- Zero Opinions: Complete freedom in how you handle users, sessions, and storage
The system is built around a global namespace that can be extended by providers and customized by developers:
declare global {
namespace AuthNamespace {
interface ProviderProfileMap {} // Providers add their profiles here
interface Session {} // Developers define their session shape
# Install core package
pnpm add @lumina-auth/core
# Install providers you need
pnpm add @lumina-auth/provider-google
pnpm add @lumina-auth/provider-discord
- Define your session type:
declare global {
namespace AuthNamespace {
interface Session {
userId: string;
email: string;
// Add any fields you need
- Set up providers:
import { AuthSystem } from '@lumina-auth/core'
import { GoogleProvider } from '@lumina-auth/provider-google'
const auth = AuthSystem({
providers: [
new GoogleProvider({
clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: 'https://your-app.com/auth/callback'
profile_to_session(profile) {
// Handle different profile types
switch(profile.provider) {
case 'google':
return {
userId: profile.google_id,
email: profile.email
You can create custom providers by adding to the global namespace:
declare global {
namespace AuthNamespace {
interface ProviderProfileMap {
custom: {
provider: 'custom';
id: string;
// Add provider-specific fields
Lumina Auth gives you complete control over:
- How profiles map to sessions
- User data storage
- Account linking
- Session management
- Authentication flow
The system is designed to be fully type-safe:
- Provider profiles are typed
- Session transformations are typed
- Auth flows are typed
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Build:
pnpm build
- Test:
pnpm test