This is a reproducing code for the ICLR'19 paper: On the Minimal Supervision for Training Any Binary Classifier from Only Unlabeled Data.
has a keras implementation of the risk estimator for UU learning (see Eq.(10) in the paper) and its simplified version (see Eq.(12) in the paper). -
is an example code of UU learning.
Datasets are MNIST preprocessed in such a way that even digits form the P class and odd digits form the N class, and CIFAR10 preprocessed in such a way that the P class is composed of 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog' and 'horse'; the N class is composed of 'airplane', 'automobile', 'ship' and 'truck'.
- Python 3
- Numpy 1.14.1
- Keras 2.1.4
- Tensoflow 1.8.0
- Scipy 1.0.0
- Matplotlib 2.1.2
You can run an example code of UU learning on benchmark datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10).
python --dataset mnist --mode UU
You can see additional information by adding --help
After running
, the test performance figure and log file are made in output/dataset/
by default.
The errors are measured by zero-one loss.
Contact: Nan Lu (