- ☁️ I’m currently working at Kumojin
- 🎂 About 10 years of experience
- 💅🏽 Frond-end web developper
- 👾 Open source contributor
- ⚡ Princess Angular | Kumojin Dundee Awards
- 🏆 Angular Badge #812740226 - Delivered by Zyrthofar
- 🧋 Boba for life
- ☕️ Coffee's not bad either
- 🐈 I’m a cat lover
- 🐕 I’m also a dog lover (no jealous)
- 🌱 And also a plant lover
- 🏔 Passionate about the mountains in all their forms
- 🍙 Love japanese food and culture
- 🎋 And I’m currently learning Japanese