A node.js server that generate tiles from cloud-optimised geotiff's designed for use with a serverless function provider like AWS Lambda.
- A simple slippy-map tile server based on NodeJS and express.js
- Configurable 'providers' to handle interactions with datastores such as the landsat on AWS
- An endpoint for rgb tiles allowing different band combinations
- An endpoint for calculated indices such as NDVI
- An endpoint for getting metadata
cd sl-component-vis-raster-v2
Param | Description | Mandatory |
fileName | A fileName for a geotiff | true |
dir | A dir where file named fileName exist | false |
rgbBands | specify the bands aganist RGB channels | false |
fileName 文件默认存放在(./test/data/ )路径下 单波段影像默认使用波段1、1、1作为rgb三通道的输入 两波段影像默认使用波段1、2、1作为rgb三通道的输入 多波段影像默认使用波段1、2、3作为rgb三通道的输入