- Truffle
- Ganache
- IPFS (On Windows you may need to copy the execution file into $PATH folder)
- Metamask chrome extension
The fisrt thing you need to do is create a new workspace in Ganache. Open Ganache app and click New Workspace button, add the truffle-config.js file to the Workspace. After click Save Workspace you'll be taken to the the screen of the workspace just created
After installing IPFS, run the following command to configure your IPFS API at to allow cross-origin request from http://localhost:3000 which is where the app will be running
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["http://localhost:3000"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'
After installing metamask, open it, follow the steps and create an account. Click the Main Ethereum Network on top of the window to change the network. We'll be running Ganache on so click Custom RPC and fill up:
Next, import couple of accounts into metamask to test our app. Click the button with the key icon, copy the private key and paste it into metamask
Click the import account button to import account from private key
# npm
npm install
# yarn
yarn install
In order to run the app on local, you need to run the 3 commands. The command to deploy all the contracts in contracts folder
truffle migrate
(or truffle migrate --reset if you want to modify the contract and deploy it again)
This command to run IPFS daemon in your computer
ipfs daemon
And finally, to run the client app with react
# npm
npm run start
or with yarn
# yarn
yarn start