This project is inspired by SteamDB-FreeGames
Telegram discussion group:
Provide a framework to develop plugins to scrap games from different websites and send notifications to other plugins
✅ Gather Steam free games from SteamDB. (Not recommended)
✅ Gather free games from Keylol. (recommended)
✅ Gather free games from Reddit.
✅ Use Apprise to send free games information. (Telegram demo channel)
✅ Use ASF to redeem games
✅ Use Steam to redeem games
- python3
- Clone repository
git clone
- Go into GamesHub directory
cd GamesHub
- Install requirements
or install minimum requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt playwright install webkit chromium firefox || python3 -m playwright install webkit chromium firefox # Depends on the browser(s) you want to use
and install requirements for each plugin you want to enablepip install -r requirements-no_plugin.txt
- Copy config.example.json5 to
, change settings in it according to the comment. - Run
Each enabled official plugin should create a folder in
to store runtime files and configs - Change plugins' config files from step 5
- Rerun step 5
Create a folder for record and config, let's say folder name is /var/GamesHub
Please note that this folder name must be absolute path.
export GAMES_HUB_FOLDER_NAME=/var/GamesHub mkdir -p "$GAMES_HUB_FOLDER_NAME"
Download config.example.json5 and rename to
into the folder created in step 1, change settings in it according to the comment.wget -c "" -O "$STEAM_DB_FOLDER_NAME/config.json5" || curl -o "$STEAM_DB_FOLDER_NAME/config.json5" ""
Run with docker
docker pull lupohan44/games_hub:latest && docker run -v $GAMES_HUB_FOLDER_NAME:/home/wd --rm lupohan44/games_hub:latest
All changes by script inside docker will be permanently save to this folder.
Each enabled official plugin should create a folder in{WORKING_DIR}/plugins/{PLUGIN_PACKAGE_NAME}
to store runtime files and configs -
Change plugins' config files from step 3
Rerun step 3
/var/GamesHub (working directory)
├── config.json5
└── plugins
├── gameshub.official.notification.apprise
│ └── config.json5
├── gameshub.official.scraper.steamdb
│ └── config.json5
├── gameshub.official.scraper.keylol
│ ├── config.json5
│ └── cookies.txt
└── gameshub.official.redeemer.asf
└── config.json5
- Playwright does not support CentOS. (issue)
- Use docker
- Think a package name for your plugin, format should be like gameshub.unofficial.{plugin_purpose}.{plugin_description}[.{your_name}]
- Copy one of the official plugin in plugins folder and rename it to your package name
- Follow the official plugin's structure and modify it to your needs
Each of them is appreciated. Thank you.