With SLE4442 Card Manager you can perform all basic operations on your memory cards, including initialization, reading memory, presenting security PIN, changing PIN, writing to memory, and permanently protecting the first 32 bytes from writing.
SLE4442 allows 3 attempts when entering the pin, if you fail authentication three times, you'll be permanently locked out of accessing the chip.
To write to the card you must first enter the 3-byte security PIN (usually set by manufacturers to FF,FF,FF).
once authenticated, you can change the pin & write to the memory, the first 32 bytes of which can be permanently locked to prevent further writing.
You must have a PCSC smartcard reader capable of interfacing with SLE4442 chips (synchronous)
This works with HID Omnikey smartcard readers
Pyscard python lib
Clone the repo and run sle4442.py
to run the tool.
This is an updated version (with UI Stripped) of the SLE4442-Card-Manager by hvfrancesco
With thanks to the pyscard devs
This tool is protected under the MIT License, see LICENSE file for more information.
For any support you may need, file a GitHub issue.