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LEAP - Atmospheric Physics using AI (ClimSim)

🌟 Overview

Accurate climate projections are critical in an era of accelerating climate change. Traditional climate models face challenges in representing small-scale atmospheric processes—such as clouds, storms, turbulence, and precipitation—because these processes occur at scales smaller than the model grid and are computationally expensive to resolve explicitly. This project develops a machine learning emulator that replicates the subgrid-scale physics within the E3SM-MMF climate model. By replacing high-resolution physical parameterizations with an efficient neural network, the solution offers a scalable, fast, and physically credible approach to long-term climate prediction.

This project was created as part of the Kaggle LEAP - Atmospheric Physics using AI (ClimSim) competition. The final submission achieved a bronze medal with a public leaderboard (lb) score of 0.73575 and a private leaderboard (pb) score of 0.73955.

Dataset Description

The dataset for this competition is generated by the state-of-the-art E3SM-MMF climate model. Its multi-scale framework explicitly resolves small-scale processes (e.g., clouds, storms, turbulence) that influence large-scale climate patterns. However, the computational cost of explicit resolution is extremely high. The task is to emulate the effects of these processes with a machine learning model that is far less computationally expensive.

Each row in the training set corresponds to the inputs and outputs of a cloud-resolving model (CRM) in E3SM-MMF at a given location and timestep. The dataset includes:

  • Inputs:
    556 columns representing 25 input variables. Some variables are scalars while others are vertically resolved over 60 levels. For vertically resolved variables, an underscore and level number (ranging from 0 to 59) are appended to the variable name, with lower numbers representing higher positions in the atmosphere.

  • Targets:
    368 columns representing 14 target variables. These include both vertically resolved variables (e.g., heating tendency across 60 levels) and scalars (e.g., surface fluxes).

Input Variables

Name Description Dimension Units
state_t Air temperature 60 levels K
state_q0001 Specific humidity 60 levels kg/kg
state_q0002 Cloud liquid mixing ratio 60 levels kg/kg
state_q0003 Cloud ice mixing ratio 60 levels kg/kg
state_u Zonal wind speed 60 levels m/s
state_v Meridional wind speed 60 levels m/s
state_ps Surface pressure Scalar Pa
pbuf_SOLIN Solar insolation Scalar W/m²
pbuf_LHFLX Surface latent heat flux Scalar W/m²
pbuf_SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux Scalar W/m²
pbuf_TAUX Zonal surface stress Scalar N/m²
pbuf_TAUY Meridional surface stress Scalar N/m²
pbuf_COSZRS Cosine of solar zenith angle Scalar
cam_in_ALDIF Albedo for diffuse longwave radiation Scalar
cam_in_ALDIR Albedo for direct longwave radiation Scalar
cam_in_ASDIF Albedo for diffuse shortwave radiation Scalar
cam_in_ASDIR Albedo for direct shortwave radiation Scalar
cam_in_LWUP Upward longwave flux Scalar W/m²
cam_in_ICEFRAC Sea-ice areal fraction Scalar
cam_in_LANDFRAC Land areal fraction Scalar
cam_in_OCNFRAC Ocean areal fraction Scalar
cam_in_SNOWHLAND Snow depth over land Scalar m
pbuf_ozone Ozone volume mixing ratio 60 levels mol/mol
pbuf_CH4 Methane volume mixing ratio 60 levels mol/mol
pbuf_N2O Nitrous oxide volume mixing ratio 60 levels mol/mol

Target Variables

Name Description Dimension Units
ptend_t Heating tendency 60 levels K/s
ptend_q0001 Moistening tendency 60 levels kg/kg/s
ptend_q0002 Cloud liquid mixing ratio change over time 60 levels kg/kg/s
ptend_q0003 Cloud ice mixing ratio change over time 60 levels kg/kg/s
ptend_u Zonal wind acceleration 60 levels m/s²
ptend_v Meridional wind acceleration 60 levels m/s²
cam_out_NETSW Net shortwave flux at surface Scalar W/m²
cam_out_FLWDS Downward longwave flux at surface Scalar W/m²
cam_out_PRECSC Snow rate (liquid water equivalent) Scalar m/s
cam_out_PRECC Rain rate Scalar m/s
cam_out_SOLS Downward visible direct solar flux to surface Scalar W/m²
cam_out_SOLL Downward near-infrared direct solar flux to surface Scalar W/m²
cam_out_SOLSD Downward diffuse solar flux to surface Scalar W/m²
cam_out_SOLLD Downward diffuse near-infrared solar flux to surface Scalar W/m²


1. Data Preprocessing

  • Efficient Data Handling:
    CSV files are converted into more efficient formats (such as TFRecord, Parquet, or Numpy arrays) to improve input/output performance.

  • Normalization:
    Both inputs and targets are normalized using TensorFlow’s Normalization layer to ensure stable and effective training.

  • Deterministic Data Pipeline:
    A reproducible data pipeline is built using fixed random seeds and deterministic shuffling. A batch size of 512 is used for training.

2. Model Architecture

The model is designed to capture multi-scale atmospheric dynamics by incorporating several advanced components:

  • Input Reformatting:
    A custom function (x_to_seq) converts the raw 556-dimensional input vector into a sequence format that separates vertically resolved data from scalar variables.

  • U-Net Style Architecture with Transformer and Residual Blocks:

    • Encoder & Decoder Blocks:
      The encoder progressively downsamples the input using repeated residual blocks to extract high-level features, while the decoder upsamples these features to reconstruct the target variables.
    • Transformer Bottleneck:
      A transformer block with multi-head attention layers captures long-range dependencies and complex interactions between vertical levels.
    • Residual Connections:
      Skip connections preserve fine-scale details throughout the network.

Below is a snippet illustrating the custom transformer encoder layer:

class TransformerEncoderLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(self, head_size, num_heads, ff_dim, dropout=0.1, **kwargs):
        super(TransformerEncoderLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.att = MultiHeadAttention(key_dim=head_size, num_heads=num_heads, dropout=dropout)
        self.ffn = tf.keras.Sequential([
            Dense(ff_dim, activation='gelu'),
        self.layernorm1 = LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6)
        self.layernorm2 = LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6)
        self.dropout1 = Dropout(dropout)
        self.dropout2 = Dropout(dropout)

    def call(self, inputs, training=False):
        attn_output = self.att(inputs, inputs)
        attn_output = self.dropout1(attn_output, training=training)
        out1 = self.layernorm1(inputs + attn_output)
        ffn_output = self.ffn(out1)
        ffn_output = self.dropout2(ffn_output, training=training)
        return self.layernorm2(out1 + ffn_output)

3. Ensemble Modeling and Training Strategy

  • Ensemble Modeling

    Multiple model variants (including different U-Net and transformer configurations) are trained, and predictions are averaged. This ensemble strategy increases robustness and overall performance.

  • Training Strategy

    • Loss Function & Metrics:

      The model is trained using Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss. Performance is evaluated with a custom weighted R² metric:

      $$ R^2 = 1 - \frac{SS_{res}}{SS_{tot}} $$

      where residuals are weighted element-wise by the values from sample_submission.csv.

    • Callbacks

      • Early Stopping: Monitors validation loss to prevent overfitting.
      • Model Checkpointing: Saves the best model during training based on validation performance.
      • Learning Rate Scheduling: A cosine annealing schedule with warm-up phases is used to stabilize and speed up training.

4. Prediction and Submission

  • Post-Processing

    After predictions are generated, they are scaled back to the original target values using stored mean and standard deviation values.

  • Weighting Predictions

    Final predictions are multiplied element-wise by the sample submission weights.

  • Ensemble Averaging

    Predictions from multiple models are averaged before generating the final submission file.

  • Evaluation & Results

    Evaluation is performed using a custom weighted R² metric, where predictions are weighted by the values in sample_submission.csv. Final leaderboard results were:

    • Public Score (lb): 0.73575
    • Private Score (pb): 0.73955


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