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This is an attempt of reproducing the game spacewar! using modern programming languages. The idea is to track the progress and time each stage of development in this document. If possible, I want to finish this project in under 24h.

Check it out here

The game is based in html5 canvas, CSS and ES6 javascript. No extra libraries or engines will be used.

Since I've already worked on a project to reproduce pong-almost-from-scratch, I'll be using much of it in here.


  • Add and
  • Create html/canvas base
  • Host somewhere
  • Create the gameloop
  • Create rendering functions
  • Design board
  • Create Ship class
  • Create Shot class
  • Create blackhole sprite
  • Implement gravity mechanics
  • Implement collision mechanics
    • Collision with the black hole
    • Collision with the borders
    • Collision between Ships
    • Collision between Shots
    • Collision Ship-Shots
  • Create game over screen
  • Create start screen
  • Create credits screen
  • Create enemy AI
  • Add sounds
  • Improve webpage
  • Get playtesters feedback
  • List requests/bugs
  • Fix requests/bugs
  • Finished!

Progress Reports

00:00 - Start! This project started October 6th, 2016 at 17:50 (BRT). I'll be timing each step and will be placing the time it took from the beginning along with the achieved goal.

00:10 - LICENSE and README

This project is under a GNU GPL3 license. Have fun! 😉

00:15 - Host somewhere

For now, I'll be hosting it in github pages since it's easy deploy. Check it out here

00:40 - html/canvas base + gameloop

I'll be borrowing the gameloop and the base from my other project pong-almost-from-scratch. The favicon was made with GIMP.


And here is the webpage!!

Hello World Again

hello world

04:00 - Create rendering functions

To stay true to the game origins, I'll draw only with vectors using ctx.lineTo method. One function was created that receives an Array of coordinates and draws the lines on screen.

function drawArray(array, width=1, color="#FFF") {
  // setup style
  Game.context.lineWidth = width;
  Game.context.strokeStyle = color;
  // go to starting position
  // draw line
  array.forEach((value) => Game.context.lineTo(...value));

It would be really boring to draw characters made of vectors by hand, luckly I've found a set of characters made of vectors, called Hershey Vector Font. This character set was invented in 1967, 5 years after Spacewar.

Hershey Vector Font

In this set, each letter in the alphabeth is a series of characters that corresponds to coordinates. Eg: M=-5, N=-4, O=-3 ...

alphabeth = {

I then made a parser for this character set to transform it's language into the vectors to be drawn. With that, I created a function that receives strings and writes them in the screen. Also two more functions to make it easier to draw stuff: drawCircle, drawPoint.

drawing functions

04:20 - Board Design

The board in this game is just some stars in the background. I made the play area round, so I'm drawing a circle to show that. The stars are generated randomly in each round.

board design

08:20 - Ship class

The ship class is a sprite that has it's own draw and update methods. They're called in the gameloop. The key bindings were partially done and easy to implement, since I'm using a helper object Key in the gameloop. This class ended up bigger than I expected, and I still need to implement somethings that are not ready yet.

The vectors were hand drawn and based on the original game. I changed a little the sprite of player2. In the original game it has a slimmer profile, then it's a little harder to hit it.

let player1Vectors = [
  [[8, 0], [1, 2], [-1, 2], [-8, 1], [-8, -1], [-1, -2], [1, -2], [8, 0]],
  [[-1,  2], [-6,  4], [-8,  4], [-5,  1.5]],
  [[-1, -2], [-6, -4], [-8, -4], [-5, -1.5]]

ship sprites

It was quite tricky to rotate all the vectors in the sprite around a center. For that I created a method updateRotation that have an optional argument angle to set the property in the object and perform a rotation around the center of the sprite.

When the thrusters (keyDown) are activated, one vector shoots out of the rear of the ships with a random length for each frame. This effect ended up very similar to the original one.

ship in the game

10:40 - Shot class

The Shot class is much simpler than Ship. It has just to start somewhere, move in the correct direction and end after a certain distance. It is created when the player presses the keyUp in the Ship class.


11:00 - Blackhole class

The blackhole is a simple sprite in the middle of the screen. It generates two random numbers every frame: One for the length of the vector and one for the angle.


11:20 - Add gravity mechanics

A function was created to handle the gravity mechanics. It's called in the gameloop's update method passing the Ship instances, the center of pull an the gravity as arguments.

function addGravity(element, cx, cy, gravity) {
  // F = Gm1m2/r^2 = gravity/r^2
  let dx = element.x-cx;
  let dy = element.y-cy;
  let F = gravity/(Math.pow(dx, 2)+Math.pow(dy, 2));
  let angle = Math.atan2(dx, dy)
  let fx = -F*Math.cos(angle);
  let fy = -F*Math.sin(angle);
  element.speedX += (fx<MAXACCEL?fx:MAXACCEL);
  element.speedY += (fy<MAXACCEL?fy:MAXACCEL);


Implement collision mechanics

11:35 - Collision with the black hole

The black hole spawns any Ship that reaches its position to a random position in the board with speed=0. This is checked in the object's update method.

12:20 - Collision with the borders

The game board wraps around itself, making it infinite. So, whenever a player or shot reaches the borders, they're spawned back in the other side of the board. This also happens for the Shot class. The collision is checked in the object's update method.

14:00 - Collision between Ships

When the two players collide, there is an explosion and the game should end. This check is made in the gameloop's update method. The collision is calculated using Separating Axis Theorem. It ended up in a function with 15 constants and a single if statement to tell whether the ships have collided.

checkCollision = function(sprite1, sprite2) {
  // Limits of the sprite
  const p1c = sprite1.corners;
  const p2c = sprite2.corners;
  // Translate sprites to make p1c[0] the origin
  const p1cT = => [val[0]-p1c[0][0], val[1]-p1c[0][1]]);
  const p2cT = => [val[0]-p1c[0][0], val[1]-p1c[0][1]]);
  // Calculate the rotation to align the p1 bounding box
  const angle = Math.atan2(p1cT[2][1], p1cT[2][0]);
  // Rotate vetcors to align
  const p1cTR = => versusScreen.rotateVector(val, angle));
  const p2cTR = => versusScreen.rotateVector(val, angle));
  // Calculate extreme points of the bounding boxes
  const p1left = Math.min( => value[0]))
  const p1right = Math.max( => value[0]))
  const p1top = Math.min( => value[1]))
  const p1bottom = Math.max( => value[1]))
  const p2left = Math.min( => value[0]))
  const p2right = Math.max( => value[0]))
  const p2top = Math.min( => value[1]))
  const p2bottom = Math.max( => value[1]))
  // Check if shadows overlap in both axes
  if (p2left < p1right && p1left < p2right && p2top < p1bottom && p1top < p2bottom) return true;
  return false;

I also created an explode method in the Ship class so when they collide, it shows a satisfying explosion. The explosion have 4 frames of dots generated randomly with varying radius.


15:00 - Collision between Shots

The shots uses the same check Collision function and two nested loops to iterate over the shots array. To destroy the shot after a collision, I set the property distance to be close to it's maximum distance, then it's automatically destroyed in the Ship update method.

15:10 - Collision between Ships and Shots

Since all the functions methods for collision were ready, it was quite easy to calculate the collision between Ships and Shots. It took 5 minutes to do so.

16:10 - Game over screen

When one ship is destroyed, the player goes to the Game Over screen. This check is made in the end of the update method in the gameloop, if any player has the property dead then the Game.changeState method is called after a timeout leading to the Game Over screen.

game over

The code for the cursor is basically an extended Ship class that has the functionalities of Cursor class in my PONG game.

17:00 - Start screen/Credits screen

The Start screen copies a lot of code from Game Over screen, it just replaces some text and the screen that is called when pressing enter

start screen

The credits screen is even easier to draw, since it does not contains moving parts.


18:30 - Enemy AI

I didn't want to make a very complicated AI, otherwise it would take too much time. I came up with a simple solution. The enemy always tries to face player1, it fires it's weapon when the player is closer than 200px of distance and pointing in the right direction, and it will fire it's thrusters when the player shot more than two shots or if the player is too far.

// basic vectors
let p1dx = Game.player1.x-Game.player2.x;
let p1dy = Game.player1.y-Game.player2.y;
let p1r = Math.hypot(p1dx, p1dy);
// player1 angle in relation to player2
let angleDelta = (Math.atan2(p1dy, p1dx)-Game.player2.rotation)%(Math.PI*2)
// Adjust angles and limit to ROTATION_SPEED
angleDelta = (angleDelta<Math.PI?angleDelta:angleDelta-2*Math.PI)
angleDelta = (angleDelta<-Math.PI?angleDelta+2*Math.PI:angleDelta)
angleDelta = (Math.abs(angleDelta)<ROTATION_SPEED?angleDelta:Math.sign(angleDelta)*ROTATION_SPEED);
// Apply actions
if (p1r < SHOT_DISTANCE*1.5 && angleDelta<ROTATION_SPEED) {;
if (Game.player1.shots.length > 2 || (p1r>SHOT_DISTANCE*2 && angleDelta<ROTATION_SPEED)) {

19:10 - Sounds

The original game had no sounds, I added some 8-bit sounds just to make it more interesting. The sounds are some free wav files I've found at

I used HTMLMediaElements to play the sounds. With the aid of one function, I just pass some parameters and can call the sound anywhere in the game.

// sound factory
function soundFactory(audio, start, stop) {
  return () => {
    if (audio.paused) {;
        audio.currentTime = start;
      }, stop);
soundX = new Audio(soundXURL);
Game.playSoundX = soundFactory(soundX, 0, 500);

Thanks to meroleroman7, Shaun105, jeremysykes and ProjectsU012 for the sound assets.

19:30 - Improve webpage

I added some Open Graph tags to make it more pleasing when sharing. Also, changed the base color to green, more similar to the old CRT displays. I can't think of anything else to change right now.

20:30 - List requests/bugs

  • Emphasis in the control keys in startScreen - 00jknight, Baino, Maria
  • Make the game more dynamic - 00jknight, Baino, Maria
  • Make the AI more unpredictable in the beginning - Thiago Harry

21:00 - Fix requests/bugs

Now the game is much more dynamic and fun. Since the thrusters are 5 times more potent, I added a maximum speed to stop players from getting uncontrollably fast. The shots are fired in a smaller interval and the gravity is stronger. I also changed the layout of the start screen to make the key indications more visible.

21:15 - Finished!

Well, that was fun. Again. There's still 2:45h left to complete 24h, so I'll be making a single patch if there's enough feedback. The lessons that I liked were:

  • There was a character set from the 60's (Hershey Vector Font) based on vectors, nice.
  • I had to draw the pointy brackets in Hershey Vector Font's notation.
  • The thing in the center of the board should be a star, not a black hole.
  • Separating Axis Theorem was surprisingly easy to implement.
  • Working with vectors were surprisingly hard to implement, I should have prepared more linear algebra functions instead of making lots of transformations manually.
  • The physics were very simple, but it took me some time to understand Math.atan2, it always did the opposite of what I wanted.

Thanks again to meroleroman7, Shaun105, jeremysykes and ProjectsU012 for the sound assets

Thanks to the playtesters 00jknight, Baino, Maria and Thiago Harry.

Thanks for the support of Kaska, rgk and 8Observer8, Igor Georgiev and StorytellerVR.

Thanks to Lee Reilly for the PR fixing a typo

Thats it for now.


24:00 - Update patch

I added an evade method in the Ship class that rotates to a random position (-90° to 90°) and fires it's thrusters for half second. This prevents the player from killing the enemy AI easily in the beginning of the round.

Also, as 00jknight pointed out, I changed the commands of fire torpedos and fire thrusters.

Thats it for ever.


70128:00+ - Controller support

Special thanks to Sanscripter for adding controller support.


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Contributors 3
