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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Postgres HA

Table of contents

  1. Restful specification
  • /api/pg/v1/instance/:scope
  • /api/pg/v1/node/:scope
  • /api/pg/v1/lsn/:scope
  • /api/pg/v1/walFiles/:scope
  • /api/pg/v1/walFile/:walFile
  • /api/pg/v1/in_recovery
  • /api/pg/v1/validLsn
  1. Logical Replication
  2. Test cases

Restful Specification

1 /api/pg/v1/instance/:scope Start pg instance Get the instance state - Stop the pg instance
2 /api/pg/v1/node/:scope Promote the slave - - -
3 /api/pg/v1/lsn/:scope - Get the pg's lsn info - -
4 /api/pg/v1/walFiles/:scope - Get the wal files from specified lsn - -
5 /api/pg/v1/walFile/:walFile - Get the wal file from remote Push the wal file to remote -
6 /api/pg/v1/in_recovery - Get the node's recovery mode - -
7 /api/pg/v1/validLsn/:scope - Check whether the lsn is valid - -



Get the specified node's state

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/current

Get all nodes' state

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all
No state Comment
1 single single node
2 master master node
3 slave slave node
4 inactive Not started
5 recovery Recovery mode


No Scope Sequence Comment
1 current Start the specified node (pg_ctl stop -D /DATA)
2 master Start the specified node as master
3 slave Start the specified node as slave
4 all masterSlave Start the node by the sequence(the master -> another slave)
5 failover restart Promote the slave node by restarting
6 failover promote Promote the slave node by promoting
7 switchover masterSlave Switchover (master down -> slave down -> slave up -> master up)
8 switchover slaveMaster Switchover (slave down -> master down -> slave up -> master up)

Start the node directly Start the nodes without any special conversion in the database side

$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/current
$curl -X POST http://pg-node02:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/current

Start the node as master

$curl -X POST http://pg-node02:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/master

Start the node as slave

$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/slave

Start the nodes be the sequence (Master -> Slave)

$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all

Failover (stop slave -> start node as master) Promote the slave node to master by restarting the node does not change the timeline of wal

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all
$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/lsn/all | python -m json.tool
    "pg-node01": {
        "chkPoint": "0/56000028",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/56000028",
        "lastLsn": "0/56000108",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000056"
    "pg-node02": {
        "chkPoint": "0/56000098",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/56000098",
        "lastLsn": "0/56000108",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000056"
$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/master
$curl -X POST http://pg-node02:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/failover/restart
$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/slave
$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/lsn/all | python -m json.tool
    "pg-node01": {
        "chkPoint": "0/56000028",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/56000028",
        "lastLsn": "0/56000108",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000056"
    "pg-node02": {
        "chkPoint": "0/56000098",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/56000098",
        "lastLsn": "0/56000108",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000056"

Failover (Promote) Promote the slave node to master by promote command incremental the timeline of wal

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all
$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/lsn/all | python -m json.tool
    "pg-node01": {
        "chkPoint": "0/56000028",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/56000028",
        "lastLsn": "0/56000108",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000056"
    "pg-node02": {
        "chkPoint": "0/56000098",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/56000098",
        "lastLsn": "0/56000108",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000056"
$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/master
$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/failover/promote
$curl -X POST http://pg-node02:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/slave
{"pg-node01":"master","pg-node02":"slave"}   => {"pg-node01":"single","pg-node02":"single"}
$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/lsn/all | python -m json.tool
    "pg-node01": {
        "chkPoint": "0/57000100",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/570000C8",
        "lastLsn": "0/57000170",
        "timeLineID": "5",
        "walFile": "000000050000000000000057"
    "pg-node02": {
        "chkPoint": "0/57000028",
        "chkRedoPoint": "0/57000028",
        "lastLsn": "0/57000028",
        "timeLineID": "4",
        "walFile": "000000040000000000000057"

Here has one issue to resolve. When starting the slave, the got status is not updated. Still showing both single, has to wait for a moment

Switch the master slave by the sequence (master down -> slave down -> slave start as master -> master start as slave)

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all
$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/switchover/masterSlave

Switch the master slave by the sequence (slave down -> master down -> slave start as master -> master start as slave)

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all
$curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/switchover/slaveMaster


No Scope Comment
1 current Stop the specified node (pg_ctl stop -D /DATA)
2 master Find the master node to stop
3 slave Find the slave node to stop
4 all Stop by the sequence(slave -> master)
5 slaveMaster same to all
6 masterSlave Stop by the sequence(master -> slave)

Stop the specified node

$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01/api/pg/v1/instance/current

Stop the master node if exists

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/all
$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01/api/pg/v1/instance/master

Stop the slave node if exists --todo

$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01/api/pg/v1/instance/slave

Stop the nodes by the sequence (slave -> master)

$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/slaveMaster

Stop the nodes by the sequence (master -> slave)

$curl -X DELETE http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/instance/masterSlave


curl -X POST http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/node/promote


Get the node's lsn info

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/lsn/current

Get all nodes's lsn info

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/lsn/all


Call from timeline/lsn

$curl -X GET http://hostname/api/pg/v1/walFiles/3/0/39000028

Call from wal file

$curl -X GET http://pg-node01:8079/api/pg/v1/walFiles/000000030000000000000039 


Upload the wal file to remote

$curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "data=@/tmp/000000030000000000000018" http://hostname/api/pg/v1/walFile/000000080000000000000039
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 80
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 01:39:20 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

{"code":0,"msg":"The file </data/pg_wal/000000080000000000000039> was uploaded"}

Download the wal file from remote

$curl -X GET http://hostname/api/pg/v1/walFile/000000040000000000000039 --output /tmp/000000040000000000000039
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 16.0M  100 16.0M    0     0   127M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  129M


$curl -X GET http://hostname/api/pg/v1/in_recovery


$curl -X GET http://hostname/api/pg/v1/validLsn/3/0/39000028
{"code":0,"msg":"Valid lsn","cnt":"1"}
No Field Comment
1 code return code
2 msg return message
3 cnt Number of entries beghind the lsn

Logical Replication

The logical slot meta data

slot_name plugin slot_type datoid temporary active active_pid xmin catalog_xmin restart_lsn confirmed_flush
test02 decoderbufs logical 16385 f f 630 0/5D000E30 0/5E000140

Binary data from pg_replset/test02/state

          magic     checksum  version   length
          |<-   ->| |<-   ->| |<-   ->| |<-   ->|
00000000: a11c 0501 c8c5 aa47 0200 0000 a000 0000  .......G........
          magic   :  SLOT_MAGIC(0x1051CA1) in the file slot.c
          checksum: Checksum of string from version to end
          version : SLOT_VERSION(2) in the file slot.c
          length  : 0xaf - 0x0f = 0xa0 (Exclude the first line)

          |<- Slot name
00000010: 7465 7374 3032 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  test02..........
00000020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................

                    Slot Persistency
          DB oid              xmin      catalog_xmin
          |<-   ->| |<-   ->| |<-   ->| |<-   ->|
00000050: 0140 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7602 0000  .@..........v...
          database oid     : 0000 4001 -> select oid from pg_data where datname = 'dbname';
          catalog_xmin     : 0000 0276 -> select catalog_xmin from pg_get_replication_slots() where slot_name = 'slot name';

          |<- restart_lsn ->| |<-             ->|
00000060: 300e 005d 0000 0000 4001 005e 0000 0000  0..]....@..^....
          restart_lsn      : 0000 0000 5D00 0E30 -> select restart_lsn from  pg_get_replication_slots() where slot_name = 'slot name'
          confirmed_flush  : 0000 0000 5E00 0140 -> select confirmed_flush_lsn from  pg_get_replication_slots() where slot_name = 'slot name'

          |<- plugin name
00000070: 6465 636f 6465 7262 7566 7300 0000 0000  decoderbufs.....
00000080: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
000000a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................

Test cases

Slave restart

### Master restart ### Switch Over(Slave->Master) ### Switch Over(Master->Slave) ### Fail over (Restart slave) ### Fail over (Promote slave)


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