Cooking Infrastructure by Chef
Book about Chef (DevOps tool).
pandoc -s -S --toc --latexmathml --highlight-style pygments -t html5 -s chef.tex -o index.html
pandoc --smart -t epub3 -s chef.tex -o chef.epub --epub-cover-image=cover/cover.jpg --epub-chapter-level=3
If you want to see in the output were normal quotes (U+00ab
«, U+00bb
»), you need to put them first hand because pandoc until it is able to (jgm/pandoc#84). For example, by using vim:
vim -e - $(find . -name "*.tex") << EOF
:bufdo %s/<</\\=nr2char("0x00ab")/ge | %s/>>/\\=nr2char("0x00bb")/ge | update