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Flink Integration with Kafka Demo


Demonstrates running a Flink job that listens to Kafka for messages, transforms the message, then emits the transformed message back to Kafka.

Flink demo with Kafka integration

Running the Demo

The demo spins up Flink and Kafka in Docker containers, and steps through building the Flink application and submitting the job via the Flink console. The Kafka command line tools are used to produce a message to Kafka which the Flink job processes by uppercasing the name, and to consume the resulting transformed message. The message is in JSON format, containing a name field. The Flink Kafka Source and Kafka Sink use a JSON deserializer and serializer respectively to marshal the message.

Build the jar containing the Flink job:

mvn clean install

Bring up the Flink job and task managers, along with Kafka (and Zookeeper), in Docker containers (defined in docker-compose.yml):

docker-compose up -d

Ensure topics are created before the Flink job is submitted:

docker exec -ti kafka kafka-topics --create --topic=demo-inbound --partitions 3 --if-not-exists --bootstrap-server=kafka:9093
docker exec -ti kafka kafka-topics --create --topic=demo-outbound --partitions 3 --if-not-exists --bootstrap-server=kafka:9093
docker exec -ti kafka kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server=kafka:9093

Navigate to the Flink console:


Submit the new job: Add New flink-demo-1.0.0.jar from the target dir. Click on the jar and enter Program Arguments: kafka:9093 for the Kafka bootstrap servers. Click Submit.

Flink submit new job

The job will now be shown in the Running Jobs section:

Flink job running

Alternatively to run the Flink application manually (or manually with remote debug enabled):

java -jar target/flink-demo-1.0.0.jar
java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005 -jar target/flink-kafka-connector-1.0.0.jar

Produce a message to Kafka, which the Flink job will consume:

docker exec -ti kafka kafka-console-producer --topic demo-inbound --bootstrap-server kafka:9093
{"name":"John Smith"}

Consume the message from Kafka, which the Flink job will produce:

docker exec -ti kafka kafka-console-consumer --topic demo-outbound --bootstrap-server kafka:9093 --from-beginning

Expected output with uppercased name: {"name":"JOHN SMITH"}

Integration Tests

Flink provides a local embedded mini cluster called MiniClusterWithClientResource that is used for integration testing complete jobs.

The EventProcessorIntegrationTest uses this to test that the transformer works as expected as events are streamed in.

Component Tests

The EndToEndCT test demonstrates sending events to a dockerised Kafka that are consumed by the dockerised Flink application, processed and transformed, resulting in outbound events being published that are consumed and asserted on by the test.

Component testing the Flink application

The Dockerfile includes $APP_ARGS in the ENTRYPOINT to enable passing in extra args to the Flink application when it is running in the Docker container:

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "java ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar /app.jar ${APP_ARGS}"]

This is configured to the Kafka bootstrap servers URL kafka:9092 in the pom.xml component test configuration under the service.application.args property, along with the other required configuration:

<service.startup.log.message>.*Flink job starting.*</service.startup.log.message>

For more on the component tests see:

Build Flink application jar:

mvn clean install

Build Docker container:

docker build -t ct/flink-kafka-connector:latest .

Run tests:

mvn test -Pcomponent

Run tests leaving containers up:

mvn test -Pcomponent -Dcontainers.stayup

Manual clean up (if left containers up):

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Further docker clean up if network/other issues:

docker system prune
docker volume prune