Please wait version 1.0.0 released.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding aws_ex_ray_httpoison
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def application do
extra_applications: [
# ...
mod {MyApp.Supervisor, []}
def deps do
{:aws_ex_ray, "~> 0.1.12"},
{:aws_ex_ray_httpoison, "~> 0.1.4"},
# ...
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
Just use AwsExRay.HTTPoison
instead of HTTPoison
resp = AwsExRay.HTTPoison.get("", headers, options)
Then automatically record subsegment if HTTP request called on the tracing process.
If the destination(in following example, "") supports X-Ray tracing, adss :traced option.
Then it'll automatically set X-Amzn-Trace-Id header.
resp = AwsExRay.HTTPoison.get("", headers, [traced: true])
Or if you don't like to add options argument for it, You can take another way.
Set configuration like following
config :aws_ex_ray, :httpoison,
traced_destinations: [
Your request-url string starts with one of them, it'll automatically put X-Amzn-Trace-Id header.
In many case, you want to put more detailed annotations related to its HTTP Request/Response.
You can set your own AnnotationCreator
config :aws_ex_ray, :httpoison,
traced_destinations: ...
annotation_creator: MyAnnotationCreatorModule
The moduel should implements AwsExRay.HTTPoison.AnnotationCreator
defmodule MyAnnotationCreator do
@behaviour AwsExRay.HTTPoison.AnnotationCreator.Behaviour
alias AwsExRay.Util
@impl AwsExRay.HTTPoison.AnnotationCreator.Behaviour
def create(req, {:ok, _resp}) do
# req: AwsExRay.HTTPoison.Request.t
# The definition is
# @type t :: %__MODULE__{
# method: atom,
# url: binary,
# body: any,
# headers: HTTPoison.Base.headers,
# options: Keyword.t
# }
# resp: HTTPoison.Response.t
my_annotation_url: req.url,
my_annotation_success: true
def create(req, {:error, _error}) do
# error: HTTPoison.Error.t
my_annotation_url: req.url,
my_annotation_success: false