The goal of this project is to log when the active router change. Log are displayed on terminal and can be saved in a log file and/or in an InfluxDB.
- Requests - HTTP library
- Python 3
- Pip
Download or clone –>
Extract the Monitor-VRRP files
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create config.json (example : config.example)
- timer - timer between each test
- log - save in log file
- influxdb_url - HTTP request InfluxDB (can be an empty string if you don't use it)
- routers - Array of object (name = router name, hop = number of routers from source to destination, next_ip = an IP in one of subnet router)
Start the program
For each routers -> VRRP,name=<router_name> IP=<IP_router_address>
The code is under CeCILL license.
You can find all details here:
Copyright © Lyon e-Sport, 2018
-Ortega Ludovic -