A simple client-server applications that analyzes different kinds of food using National Agricultural Library's rest api. The server support the following commands:
get-food <food_name>
- the server fetches data from the api and returns a response containing fdcId, description, and gtinUPC code.
get-food-report <food_fdcId>
- server returns product name, ingredients and nutrient information by foodId.
get-food-by-barcode --code=<gtinUpc_code>|--img=<barcode_image_file>
- server returns information for a product by its barcode if there is cached information about it
by providing the barcode itself or a path to a picture of it. If both arguments are provided img
is ignored.
get-food beef noodle soup
get-food-report 415269
get-food-by-barcode --img=D:\Photos\BarcodeImage.jpg --code=009800146130