Repo hosts code for culture jam.
wsk action create slackquery query.js
wsk action invoke slackquery --param resturl "$restapiurl" --param apiusername "$apiusername" --param apipassword "$apipassword" --param slackhook "$slackhook" --param slackusername "$slackuser" --param slackchannel "#slackchannel" --blocking --result -d -v
One can utilize the /whisk.system/alarms package to periodically trigger the slackquery action created before.
The command as below:
wsk trigger create periodic \ --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm \ --param cron "* * * * *" \ --param trigger_payload "{\"resturl\":\"$restapiurl\",\"apiusername\":\"$apiusername\",\"apipassword\":\"$apipassword\",\"slackhook\":\"$slackhook\",\"slackusername\":\"$slackusername\",\"slackchannel\":\"$slackchannel\"}"
You can define the variables in you env to save your time copy and post.
After action and trigger creation, we need a rule to bind them.
wsk rule create query_hot periodic slackquery
This command will create a rule the link the action and the trigger, now you should be able to see the slackquery action posted message in you specified slack channel every minute as you assigned.
You can disable the rule.
wsk rule disable query_hot
Copy template.local.env to local.env with following command.
cp template.local.env local.env
Inside the local.env, update the corresponding variable values.
Then run the deploy script
The shell will create an action named slackquery, and create a trigger named periodic. then create a rule named query_hot to bind the action and the trigger together. The trigger will invoke slackquery action every minute.