Go for the Giant Cotton Apron Awards!
This project is called Piece. A piece is as a tweet in Twitter context. Beyond that, two Piece apps can be connected, like a distributed version of Twitter.
I own my data. You own yours. Everyone is a node. They could be connected, as a net of un-controlled data.
As a single user:
- Submit a piece.
- Submit a piece, again.
- Or just share your old piece.
- Share your address. The address is the key for others to follow you.
If a user like to read:
- Follow others if you know their addresses.
- Read their pieces.
- Share what you like with your opinion or not.
- You can submit your own piece, too.
Boom. If there is two or more Piece apps. How can they connected with each other? The address! There is no different with following people at one Piece app.
OK. That's it. Someone said a demo is worth a million words. Here it is http://piece.lililulu.com.
Thank you! Go for the Giant Cotton Apron Awards!