The agent, fetcher, and interpreter take optional -Dflagname=flagvalue
argument. Otherwise those values are set to default ones, as described below.
# start rmiregistry
# generate keys
# run Query Signer
./gradlew runQuerySigner
Relies on generation of public and private keys by scripts/
- java.rmi.server.hostname - RMI registry hostname, default: localhost
- querySignerHostname - query signer public RMI API hostname, default: localhost
- publicKeyFilename - path to public key file, relative to root of project, default: build/tmp/
- privateKeyFilename - path to private key file, relative to root of project, default: build/tmp/query_signer
# start rmiregistry
# start agent to bind API
./gradlew runAgent
Relies on keys generated during query signer setup.
- java.rmi.server.hostname - RMI registry hostname, default: localhost
- freshnessPeriod - data refresh period, default: 60 * 1000
- queryPeriod - query rerun period, default: 5 * 1000
- gossipPeriod - gossiping period, default: 5 * 1000
- hostname - public UDP server hostname, default: hostname
- port - public UDP port, default: 5999
- timeout - UDP server timeout, default: 5 * 1000
- bufsize - UDP message buffer size, default: 512
- zoneSelectionStrategy - zone selection strategy for gossiping, default: RandomUniform, available options: RoundRobinExp, RoundRobinUniform, RandomExp, RandomUniform
- zonePath - zone pathname of agent, default: /uw/violet07
- publicKeyFilename - path to public key file, relative to root of project, default: build/tmp/
./gradlew runClient
Exposes a web application on localhost:8082
Relies on a running agent with fetcher.
- hostname - agent RMI API hostname, default: localhost
- zonePath - zone pathname of agent, default: /uw/violet07
- querySignerHostname - query signer RMI API hostname, default: localhost
./gradlew runFetcher
Sends system information to an agent.
Relies on a running agent.
- hostname - agent RMI API hostname, default: localhost
- zonePath - zone pathname of agent, default: /uw/violet07
- ownAddr - public IP address or domain name of agent/fetcher machine
- fallbackContacts - initialize fallback contacts, default: {}, example: {"/uw/violet07":[192,168,0,11]}
./gradlew runInterpreter
# to suppress Gradle's output
./gradlew runInterpreter --quiet
Reads queries from standard input and outputs results to standard output, using a hard-coded test hierarchy.
./gradlew test
# test individual components
./gradlew test --tests AgentTest
./gradlew test --tests InterpreterTests.fileTest13
Generates an HTML test report at build/reports/tests/test/index.html
The scripts/
directory contains a bundle of scripts that can be helpful when
setting up a simple hierarchy.
The scripts assume that there are 5 machines with hostnames rainbow01
, ...,
. Each machine should have the following environment variables
: ranging from01
: a level-1 zone name (e.g.uw
For example, if rainbow01
corresponds to node /uw/rainbow01
in the
hierarchy, it should have NODE_NUMBER=01
and ZONE=uw
Each node should have an RMI registry running, started with
The scripts assume that the query signer runs on rainbow01
. Before first
starting it, run
to generate keys.
If rainbow01
has ssh access to the other machines, the public key can then be
distributed with
Finally, start the query signer on rainbow01
On each machine, the agent and fetcher components should be started with
A client connected to the local agent can be optionally started with