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Yare and Astounding Regression Tester: YARTY

For SBCL and CCL.

YARTY is similar to other CL regression test libraries. The main design points particular to YARTY are as follows. First, the returned value from RUN-TESTS is immediately compatible with CL-TEST-GRID. Second, there is only one test predicate -- EACH -- and it only tests whether values are truthy. For other predicates, e.g. EQUAL, the YARTY way is to include the EQUAL call within an EACH. Third, automatic triggering of the test suite on filesystem changes is included via AUTORUN.

It is a primary goal of YARTY to make AUTORUN practical. When active, it internally calls ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM when any of the watched system's source files are touched. ASDF thus takes care of triggering any necessary recompilation.


At the shell prompt:

cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
git clone

Then, in lisp:

(ql:quickload 'yarty)

In order to see the output of AUTORUN at the slime repl, you may additionally need to configure slime to globally redirect output:

;;;; in file ~/.swank.lisp
(cl:setq swank:*globally-redirect-io* cl:t)

Setup and Organization

YARTY expects the tests to typically be run under ASDF. This is the recommended way to set that up:

;;;; example.asd

(asdf:defsystem #:example
  :components ((:file "example"))
  ;; This line alerts AUTORUN to the name of the
  ;; test system, so that AUTORUN can watch its files.
  :in-order-to ((test-op (load-op :example-test))))

(asdf:defsystem #:example-test
  :depends-on (#:example #:yarty)
  :components ((:file "tests")))

(defmethod asdf:perform ((o asdf:test-op)
                         (c (eql (asdf:find-system :example))))
  (funcall (intern (symbol-name :run-tests)
                   (find-package :yarty))

And the tests file might look something like this:

;;;; tests.lisp

(defpackage #:example-test
  (:use :cl :yarty))

(in-package #:example-test)

(deftest arithmetic
  (let ((x 1)
        (y 0))
    (each (= x y)
          (/ x y))))

Then calling (asdf:test-system :example) should create output similar to:

  Failing Form (= X Y)
               (= 1 0)
  each in ARITHMETIC threw "DIVISION-BY-ZERO detected
performing / on (1 0)"
    Erroring Form (/ X Y)
(:FAILED-TESTS ("arithmetic"))

YARTY relies on this setup:

  • YARTY relies on ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM's recompilation to keep tests up to date with changed sources.
  • AUTORUN calls ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM to trigger testing.
  • YARTY:TEST-SYSTEM is a wrapper around ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM.


For Writing Tests

DEFTEST:            Define a function that will be called during RUN-TESTS.
EACH:               Test that each form returns truthy.
DEFTEST/EACH:       Like DEFTEST but wraps its body in an EACH.
SIGNALS-A:          Returns true if body signals the condition.

For Running Tests

RUN-TESTS:          Runs all the tests defined by DEFTEST in the given packages.
AUTORUN:            Toggle whether asdf:test-system is automatically run when source is touched.
FRESH-TEST:        Test on a fresh CCL or SBCL image. Assumes the userinit loads quicklisp.
TEST-SYSTEM:        Test the system. Either return the last value of RUN-TESTS or quit the image.

For Managing Tests

CLEAR-TESTS:        Clear the tests for the given package, default to *package*.
*HANDLE-ERRORS*:    t: handle in tests; nil: decline to handle. Default is t.
*OUTPUT*:           The stream testing info is print to.

Full docstrings and argument lists are available in the file docstrings.

Grouping tests

Many Common Lisp test libraries offer some way to group multiple tests together, sometimes calling the grouping a "suite" or similar.

The YARTY way to group tests is to define each group of tests within its own package. You can then run them together by (run-tests 'package1 'package2).

Heirarchical grouping of tests is not provided by YARTY.


Any bug reports, success stories, failure stories, patches, or other feedback are welcome at and


Yare and Astounding Regression Tester: YARTY







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